Topic: First Song Recordings Up.


OK - these are my first recordings going up. They are miles from what I want them to be, but I do want you to hear them. They are all recorded straight acoustic to one mic - hence the back of the room guitar sound.

They are "If you weren't so coy" and "Bring me home".

I'm now working on recording the elements separately, which will hopefully result in something a bit more sophisticated - but these things take time. Writing tends to get in the way of this, but I'm concentrating on the writing.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

Hi Alan,

Unfortunaltely I missed the original posting of these songs but you have two very good ones there. I enjoyed listening to your recordings. OK some of us, me included, do get involved in recording with multiple tracks, but quite honestly a simple guitar and vocal recording is all that is needed so that we can hear the melody, tempo and style of how the song is intended to be.

Well done, it's a pleasure to hear you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

That's not bad at all Alan, well done for a first effort.

  I think that working each element as an individual track will get you a nice finished product.  The single microphone and doing all at the same time ie: instrumental and vocals tends to hinder the flow once in awhile.  I know that if I am doing the instrumental and then getting it where I want it, and then laying the vocal on top  then mixing the two, is a lot of work (and sometimes multiple takes).
I really liked Bring Me Home, and would have liked to hear the guitar a bit more especially in the interlude... but nice, and a fine lyric.

Looking forward to more...

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

Congrats on your first recording alan.... smile

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

Alan a very good first effort,over time you will improve your recording techniques and with that produce better recordings,the one thing I did notice was a popping sound on some words and that can be avoided by not singing directly into the microphone or useing a wind screen to filter out the "B's and "P's and getting a better balance between the volume of your guitar and voice but I think overall you did very well and you will only get better smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

James Taylor - beware, here comes Alan. Great stuff.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

Hi Alan
Well done it's a big step to take recording your music. Getting over the cringe factor of hearing your voice etc.. (Some don't) smile
Like all things in this world it takes practice and perservence to improve as you know.
Multi tracking is the way to go for clarity taking each musical and vocal element and blending them together until your happy.
Both songs are good and have lots of potential. so I hope you stick with it..

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

You are all very kind, thank you for the comments.

The one thing I learnt doing this is that it takes as long to learn your own songs as it takes to learn other peoples'. In hindsight, why that should be a revelation I don't know, but it was.

The original posts were at

Bring You Home

If you weren't so coy

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

HI Alan,

Congrats on your first recording smile.
You have a very good voice and a style. Looking forwards to more from you.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

Good stuff Alan,

enjoyed them


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: First Song Recordings Up.

alansheeran wrote:


OK - these are my first recordings going up. They are miles from what I want them to be, but I do want you to hear them. They are all recorded straight acoustic to one mic - hence the back of the room guitar sound.

They are "If you weren't so coy" and "Bring me home".

I'm now working on recording the elements separately, which will hopefully result in something a bit more sophisticated - but these things take time. Writing tends to get in the way of this, but I'm concentrating on the writing.

Nice stuff alansheeran! I like the fact that you didn't "overprocess" your vocals. Too many times reverb is overused on vocals, not so in your case. Your vocal to guitar volume is nicely balanced on "If You Weren't So Coy". However, the guitar was a tad bit quiet on "Bring Me Home." Just a little constructive critism( with all due respect ). Keep up the good work....And don't get too sophisticated, sometimes lesser is bester......

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.