well, thanks everyone, unfortunately there are people out there like this! it's strange though that i've heard if 2 in the same area.
russ, it's a weird thing but guys, like women, will accept all kinds of abuse and beatings mistakenly thinking that it's being doled out to them out of love...love?....nah it takes them years to work it out that their abusers just like being boss and inflicting pain.
hi daddycool, i knew a lot of women that had their man hurt them, now i know some guys too.
hi kenny, no i didn't know your ex's personally, but i think they may be related to some women i knew...
hi alan, money...how much...lol
hi roger, english or portuges? we are always richer and wiser after the event!
hi ken, go on...be a devil i dare you to serenade your wife with this, i haven't the guts to sing it to mine, she wont believe it's about someone else, she always believes the bad things, never the good...women are funny...aren't they?
hi selso, i know some hank williams, but i'm not familiar with that one, but knowing it's a hank song, i'll take it as a compliment...thanks
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