Topic: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Next week, I am playing guitar in a show with a talented singer that I've been practicing with. I've performed in public before but, for some reason, I'm rather nervous for this gig. It might be the daunting fact that if I sound bad, then she'll sound bad.

Basically, I'm looking for ideas to help me de-stress. This is definitely a topic that has been addressed in the past. But, this time, I would like to get an idea of how you guys like to "zen out" for a gig. What do you guys like to do before a gig to become focused and ready?

What I generally do is get my mp3 player and listen to artists that I like. Or, I'll drink a nice beer with friends...

How about you, Chordians?

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

I've been playing music professionally(very low level) for goin' on 26 years. I get the pre-gig jitters before each and every gig. Got 'em right now as a matter of fact! I feel as though it's a normal human emotion for those who care about the quality of their work. Embrace your nervousness and let it fuel your performance. I'm off to play some tunes....

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Hey mrjay,

Myself,I can't get up in front of people unless I've had a few red-pops in me. I've never been one for being in front of an audience.
I did coach my son in sports growing up which fed into building confidence for performing in front of people.
I taught him that he should use his nervousness as a tool. Nervousness is not a bad thing unless you focus on the nervousness.Being nervous will heighten your senses and allow you to accept and zone into whatever you are into. I totally agree with Southpaw41L.

Sorry I can't offer a pre-game plan for playing in front of people but I do hope this helps.

There's a lot of players here and I'm guessing you'll get lots of sound tips and hints. smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

I do most of my playing and singing at church or in nursing homes. I have terrible stage fright at times. The hands get cold as ice yet sweaty at the same time. I have found that if I can do some talking before I begin it really helps. A testimony or a humorous story. I know that you don't always have this option but it helps me when it is convenient.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

I never listen to my car radio on the way to a gig. I find other people's sounds distracting. I want to think about our sound and what I want to accomplish this gig.
I seldom drink except when I gig. I find one cold beer puts my brain in "party mode" and gets me thinking about cool tunes the audience might like.
It helps to plan at least, the first few tunes of the evening's performance so we can be sure to open strong with familiar material and feel comfortable starting out.
I set my guitar out on it's stand at least 30 minutes before we play so it can settle in to the temperature and humidity onstage.
My effects pedal has built - in silent tuning. I tune quickly, set the guitar on it's stand while I finish setting up and then tune again right before the down beat.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

6 (edited by Zurf 2009-02-13 15:36:22)

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

I always wear or have something silly hidden on stage.  When I played in an orchestra, I wore Mork & Mindy style rainbow style suspenders under my black coat.  When I was in a stage band, I wore a clown mask with orange hair and a big red nose at the start of each set.  When I was in a praise band, I had a small Gonzo doll that was somewhere on stage.  He hung by his nose from my music stand, or sometimes he'd sit on my amp, a few times when he was feeling bold he'd wrap himself up in a cord on a mic stand.  Gonzo eventually became sort of a mascot for the Joyful Noisemakers. 

The clown mask wasn't really all that hidden, come to think of it.  But we did a lot of Spike Jones style music, so goofiness was encouraged.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Zurf, a lot of people here are going to have to look up Spike Jones, for sure.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

most time when i play in a pub I have had a few beers or whiskies but not enough so that my fingers are like rubber ( or my brain)
and like Southpaw says after 26 he still gets the pre jitters, butterflies, nervy twinges, whatever ye want to call them. I have played in front of people for about 20 years( not always on guitar) and I still get butterflies, even after a few drinks.
Angus young still gets the mtoo and everyone loves him, he can do no wrong on stage yet he gets them.

I tihnk once ye get passed your first song and you see if folk like you ( or at least not getting booed) you are passed the stage and are quite settled.
If ye smoke, have a fag and a beer. Draw a few pictures, play suduko, go online into a chat room and tell people how great you are.
Get a gun and shoot a few deer or pheasant.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Hello, I think the biggest thing is be prepared, if your just doing one or two or a few songs ,practice till you don't really have to think about them,then practice some more. I always do better on the songs I've been playing a long time.

Later, Wayne P

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Great replies! I really appreciate the responses, so thank you. Already, you're making me think differently about a few things.

It's refreshing to see that even seasoned performers like SouthPaw feel the jitters before a show. Southpaw, I saw a video of one of your performance in the forums recently, and I have to say that I would never have imagined that you were nervous. You played and sang amazingly... I'd love to see you live.

- Southpaw and Kap:

"Embrace/Accept your nervousness but don't focus on it"

I don't know why I never looked at it the "nervousness" issue this way before. To me, being nervous is generally a hindrance to any task I take on. It's an incredible idea to change a weaknesses into a strength in this way. What a great concept!

- Deadstring and Zurf

The "ice-breaking" tips that you're giving me are great. Your posts reminded me that no audience wants to see a nervous wreck get up on stage and perform. It always seems that the audience seems to feed off your emotions whether they're good or bad. Having small habits that get the audience to appreciate you, whether it's a humorous story or a funny prop, is definitely a good idea to help you feel less intimidated by the crowd focusing on you. I think the best artists that I've seen are the ones that get the crowd involved with their performance. Your posts remind me of a Swell Season concert that I went to see last year. Glen Hansard got the audience involved with the singing, and always had great stories to tell about his songs. It made the concert all that much better.

- TubaTooter

Thank you for the advice on the equipment. It's definitely a good idea to keep your tools in good condition and ready to use. One less thing to be nervous about...

These are great ideas. Please continue to share your advice and stories.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

wlbaye and upyerkilt,

thank you for the suggestions.

I think Upyerkilt's right about passing that first song. I generally feel more relaxed once I see the crowd's reaction and realize that they won't throw tomatoes at me. But, I think I'll pass on the shooting deer and pheasants. Guns are not my thing. However, whiskies and beers are a great idea.  =P

An of course, being prepared in terms of knowing the music we're gonna play is an asset. It seems like the same words always come up when talking about playing music : PRACTICE, PRACTICE and more PRACTICE...

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Stage presence and joking around helps. 
Check this out from Roy Clark:

A good warmup is important too.  And if you're of a mind to do it, I have found that praying with your band before a gig is helpful.  Obviously that one's not for everyone, but only for those so inclined. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Zurf wrote:

Stage presence and joking around helps. 
Check this out from Roy Clark:

A good warmup is important too.  And if you're of a mind to do it, I have found that praying with your band before a gig is helpful.  Obviously that one's not for everyone, but only for those so inclined. 

- Zurf

Lol! That was great, Zurf. Thanks for the new suggestions and for sharing the link. I never knew Roy Clark had such a great sense of humor.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Zurf wrote:

A good warmup is important too.

I'd say probably the most important.  I hate playing cold.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

When I was playing full time I had a set list of at least 15 songs and after the "hi there were so and so's start the first song and after its finished wait a few seconds and start the next after three or four songs in a row any jitters vanish and later after the audience has had a few libations they loosin up and then everybody enjoys themselves and if you like what your playing so will they but if your only thinking of how much time left before the set ends or get an attitude because no one claps it could be a long night and your in the wrong bussiness smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Russell_Harding wrote:

When I was playing full time I had a set list of at least 15 songs and after the "hi there were so and so's start the first song and after its finished wait a few seconds and start the next after three or four songs in a row any jitters vanish and later after the audience has had a few libations they loosin up and then everybody enjoys themselves and if you like what your playing so will they but if your only thinking of how much time left before the set ends or get an attitude because no one claps it could be a long night and your in the wrong bussiness smile

Good point Russell. We're only playing a couple of songs, so I'm hoping to loosen up quickly. I think the second thing you mentioned is probably something that I lost sight of with the anxiety. I should probably pay more attention to playing the music rather than how people are going to react to it. Great advice. Thank you.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

Just think about most people just wanting to be able to do what you are doing and the envy they have because they are not. Then think about what you are getting paid - if the money is not there or very small and there's no cover charge the the folks are gonna get their monies worth. If you are getting the BIG buck and the cover charge is high then you need to  bring your "A" game. Another thing you can do is to kinda turn your back to the people but stand where the mic will pick up your voice - then hollar ' FREE BEER" at the bar.


Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

I found this on YouTube about giving speeches.  Most of it still applies.  I used to give a lot of briefings in my job and it took a long time to overcome the fear.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

And I'll bet you could learn a thing or two from these guys. … ats-domino

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

that was a blast! and im not sure but it looked like Ron Wood on guitar and Paul Shaffer emceeing this jam, I was with a band in Shreveport Louisana and we backed fats Domino on two of his sets good times smile

bensonp wrote:

And I'll bet you could learn a thing or two from these guys. … ats-domino

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

mrjay wrote:

Great replies! I really appreciate the responses, so thank you. Already, you're making me think differently about a few things.

It's refreshing to see that even seasoned performers like SouthPaw feel the jitters before a show. Southpaw, I saw a video of one of your performance in the forums recently, and I have to say that I would never have imagined that you were nervous. You played and sang amazingly... I'd love to see you live.

Thank you very much for your kind words mrjay. I'd love to see to play live as well. If you're gonna be in the west coast Florida(USA) vicinity anytime in the near future please let me know.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

mrjay - sounds like you've got a nice vocalist, so focus on to her.  One or two beers, no more.  Listen only to music you're going to play.  New strings and new batteries.  Tell the audience something about the song.   They're living the moment thru you, and they're on your side.  It's gonna be good so let us know how it went.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

hi mrjay,

1st things first...dont panic!

i played with a band some time ago and i thought we were quite good, then this friend of one of the guys came up to sing, he was a pro and really hot. i expected to fall apart but he made us all raise our game, i've never felt so good playing. so dont fret, sit back and enjoy it...whats the worst that could happen? no ones going to beat you up are they? you may never get this chance again, so enjoy it.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

SouthPaw41L wrote:
mrjay wrote:

Great replies! I really appreciate the responses, so thank you. Already, you're making me think differently about a few things.

It's refreshing to see that even seasoned performers like SouthPaw feel the jitters before a show. Southpaw, I saw a video of one of your performance in the forums recently, and I have to say that I would never have imagined that you were nervous. You played and sang amazingly... I'd love to see you live.

Thank you very much for your kind words mrjay. I'd love to see to play live as well. If you're gonna be in the west coast Florida(USA) vicinity anytime in the near future please let me know.

Peace and Guitars,

If I get to go down to Florida some time, I will definitely let you know and ask you where your venues are. It would be a treat to catch one of your shows.

Re: Pre-Performance anxiety - What do you do to relax?

NELA, I will definitely keep the "FREE BEER" trick in mind if all else fails. LOL that was too funny!
I'm not making any money out of this because it's a charity event. The reason why I began playing with the singer is because I wanted to expand my music and learn new things. Working with a talented, gigging artist definitely helps with that. Paid or not, I'm going to try to bring my A-game no matter what. Thank you for the encouragement.

bensonp, thanks much for the links. I'll check them out ASAP.

AcousticNoyz and Phil, I'm going to follow your advice and play to the singer. She has already helped me to raise my "game" to a whole new level, so I expect that playing in front of an audience will do even more in that respect. It's also good to be reminded that the audience is on your side. I mean, it's possible to encounter some negative people who only want to criticize you, but I think that most people just want to enjoy the show. I'll also make sure to have my equipment in top shape.

Once again, a big thanks to all of you. All the suggestions I've read are great and are helping me to get into the mental state that I need to be in. What a fantastic community Chordie is. I'll let you know how the gig went once it's all said and done smile.