Re: Reality or Mith?
It's all myth. There are those that can play better. Some of us don't play as well because we don't get to practice as much, or maybe tone deaf, or physical limitations, or what have you.
Some people are born with a natural talent towards something while others of us have to work towards it. Good fishermen are good because they get more time to fish, good hunters are good because they get more time to fish. There is of course one more thing involved, Knowledge. The best fishermen, the best hunters, the best guitar players are the best because they not only practice, but they study. They study everything about what it is they are doing. Then they know their limitations and have learned to work around them. Last they all know that somedays, it doesn't matter if you've done everything write, sometimes you just won't get it right.
Don't give up, and don't ever let someone else stop you from playing.
I'll never be good enough to play to a sell out crowd, but it doesn't really matter.
I play for me. I play because I can. I'll never play back up. I'll never have my own band. I don't care. I do it for me. It's my time.
Then you'll never be happy with what you get...