1 (edited by GeaVox 2009-01-27 12:44:44)

Topic: I loves you Chordie!

Believe it or not I am a 53 y.o. female, but your website helps me LOADS.

Like littlebiglad, I am also a beginner/intermediate, and I am so chuffed to have found a forum of real people, instead of muppets  who think only young, hairy blokes with huge hands and time to practice should have a life-long love affair with their guitar wink

I have been playing since I was 14, self-taught 'cos no-one could be bothered to teach me.  Eventually though I managed to keep myself alive by busking, living on the road for 3 years.

Time, 2 kids, poverty and the death of my 9 y.o son ate-up the years, but eventually I bough myself a cheap Yamaha to keep at home and an (even cheaper) Chinese-made Giant to keep at my partner's, so I can practice again.

Surprisingly, in spite of having smallish hands and advancing arthritis, I can still pull off a tune or ten yikes, even a mean 12-bar!  I am finding custom light strings help, I use coated ones, for longer life, might even try the tungsten, when I can afford them.

Although I have downloaded and installed Chord Miner, to help me find chords, I find I needn't have bothered because on Chordie I can usually find all the permutations of every single chord, so I can usually find one I can manage.

Now, when my heart feels like it's breaking - like when my dad recently died - I can sing the blues, or when I think of the good times he and my baby boy gave me, I can smile and play a happy tune they would both have loved.

To paraphrase Bob Dylan, beloved minstrel of my generation, here's to you Chordie:

"May your hands always be supple
May your D string never break
May you always find your plectrum
May you have a million mates.
May your fans love every song you sing
And your children play them too!
May you stay
Forever Young!"

So, thank you Chordie!  I really love you for what you do!

Rock On dude!!

Bristol, UK
big_smile  :x

PS Found Patty Smith's music, and finally discovered I can play "Because The Night", no worries!.... but the Beatles are still.... "whoah! how do I do THAT?!" LOL!


Re: I loves you Chordie!

Geavox welcome to chordie and thanks for the kind words about Chordie,sounds like you have lived a lifetime with music thru hardship and pain something we both have in common, but the human spirit endures these things thru our faith in ourselves and our many beliefs and music is the greatest gift of all and Chordie loves you smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I loves you Chordie!

Russell_Harding wrote:

Geavox welcome to chordie and thanks for the kind words about Chordie,sounds like you have lived a lifetime with music thru hardship and pain something we both have in common, but the human spirit endures these things thru our faith in ourselves and our many beliefs and music is the greatest gift of all and Chordie loves you smile

Thank you Russell,

Thank you for your warm welcome.  Makes up for this grey, dreary English winter day! sad

Have a fabulous day! (or is it night there?)


Re: I loves you Chordie!

Hi Gea,

  That was a nice 1st post. You seem to be very passionate about music. I send you my sincere and hearfelt condolences for the passing of your Dad. Welcome to Chordie. I'm with you in the Dylan fan club too! Here's a site loaded with Dylan tunes.


Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: I loves you Chordie!

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Hi Gea,

  That was a nice 1st post. You seem to be very passionate about music. I send you my sincere and hearfelt condolences for the passing of your Dad. Welcome to Chordie. I'm with you in the Dylan fan club too! Here's a site loaded with Dylan tunes.


Peace and Guitars,

Hey, thank you SouthPaw, that is a treat indeed!  It looks as though it has his whole discography!  That is hours, days, weeks and months of absolute delight you have gifted me with, I can't thank you enough.

Thank you also for your condolences, my dad was my best friend and it was he who taught me to love music, taking my brother and I to Jazz concerts since we were 10 or so, we saw or heard Mahalia Jackson, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzerald, Leadbelly, BB King, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis, Oscar Peterson, Duke Ellington, Earl Fatah Hind, Dexter Gordon, Dizzie Gillespie, Stephan Grappelli...

My current guitar favourite, however, is Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah", one if the most haunting tunes ever, although it is really  simple and unadorned, Buckley's voice makes me shiver to the roots of my hair.

Have a lovely day, my lovely new friends :)


"Bury me, cremate me or drop me into the sea, but be sure to put my guitar in my arms!"


Re: I loves you Chordie!


At times I wish I could swear when ever I want.

Aye, so good on ye for keeping things real.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: I loves you Chordie!

Hi Geavox,

  Just wanted to throw my hello in here and say welcome. You'll find lots of great friendly people here with all levels of musical knowledge, this site and the people here have helped me so much, I'd be nowhere with out them, so welcome aboard!


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

8 (edited by AccoustikNoyz 2009-01-28 01:57:15)

Re: I loves you Chordie!

Hi there GeaVox and welcome.  You're among friends here.

I started late 8 yrs ago or so. I'm 49 now, but I agree music can help you deal with stuff.  It really is a gift as an outlet that's medicinal.  If you want proof you can look at Roy Orbison or Eric Clapton.  We may not have their talent, but the subject matter is the same.


9 (edited by dino48 2009-01-28 04:25:11)

Re: I loves you Chordie!

Hi geovox,good too see you are here and learning more,sorry about your dad, I am a huge dylan fan and blues/beatles fan. Hope we here from you often. I really like the cat!!!.                    dino

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: I loves you Chordie!

Your welcome Gea and there is a six hour difference in time with your side of the pond when its noon in the USA (central standard time) its six in the evening in London or when your having dinner im having lunch smile and I love the cats eyes too smile

GeaVox wrote:

Thank you Russell,

Thank you for your warm welcome.  Makes up for this grey, dreary English winter day! sad

Have a fabulous day! (or is it night there?)

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: I loves you Chordie!

I have played music for over 20 years amateur and pro.

GeaVox is what I would call a true musician.

Whether playing for money or love it sounds like you just have to play. I know that feeling very well.

This thread just made me smile. smile

I never need more then 4 strings.