Topic: New songs

First at all: A wonderful side here!!

I don´t know if this question ist ever asked:Can I put a new song into "chordie"? And how?

I hope you can understand my English, cause i´m German :-)

Re: New songs

Hi Andreas
and welcome to chordie, glad you like the site.

If you read the post at the top of this section that Roger Guppy posted this will explain a few things about posting songs.

You could go here and add a song, but it will ot be instantly.

As well as Roger explaining it also tells you a bit on that link too.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: New songs

Yes, how do new songs get added to chordie? Can members add songs? JJ

Re: New songs

Hi John and welcome to Chordie,

If you look in the Resources at the Add songs to the index you will find the details there.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"