Topic: Open Mic Nights

As a relative beginner, started 3 years ago, I just wondered how many out there take part in open mic nights..theres a few of us who go along to Burnham on sea.. Ritz acoustic club ( once a month..the audience are very receptive to "novices" and getting up and havin a go is encouraged.

If its too loud yer too old.

Re: Open Mic Nights

I dont go to open mic nights but i do go to folk nights ( not enoug htimes recently)

Ye get folk listening as wel las playing in one section of the pub. We are not on a stage just sitting relaxing in a pub and it usually goes round in a circle for you t odo a song, then if others can they jam along.
If a song is going good and there are enough instruments the song goes on a bit longer so flutes, violins, guitars, mandolins can have a wee solo part.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Open Mic Nights

Right you are upyerkilt, folk nights are ever so much more fun than open mike events that mostly exploit generous musicians.
It's so much more fun to sit in a circle in the corner and pass a guitar with other instruments adding in as they can.
Open mike is a scam to get free live music in some pub or restaraunt that doesn't want to pay but charge players full retail for food and beers.
As soon as you need to leave the group and step up on a stage with lights on you and needing to plug up electric to outpace conversation levels, a lot of intimacy is lost. It can still be fun but often it can get to be work.
Even so, I occasionally go play in some to see the local talent and keep my hand in.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Open Mic Nights

tubatooter1940 wrote:

Right you are upyerkilt, folk nights are ever so much more fun than open mike events that mostly exploit generous musicians.
It's so much more fun to sit in a circle in the corner and pass a guitar with other instruments adding in as they can.
Open mike is a scam to get free live music in some pub or restaraunt that doesn't want to pay but charge players full retail for food and beers.
As soon as you need to leave the group and step up on a stage with lights on you and needing to plug up electric to outpace conversation levels, a lot of intimacy is lost. It can still be fun but often it can get to be work.
Even so, I occasionally go play in some to see the local talent and keep my hand in.

Every open mic in my neck of the woods have a 'host' band or musician to keep things in order. The 'host' band gets a full wage for the use of their P.A. ,lights and talent. It's actually a good bargain sometimes for the working musician and less expensive for the bar/restaurant than to hire a sound man.

Give everything but up.

Re: Open Mic Nights

Going to one tonight. 2nd and 4th Friday night of each month. Lots of fun and a good learning experience. Will be 15 to 20 people sitting and playing and everyone gets a turn at the mike. Usually each person gets to do at least 2 songs.


Re: Open Mic Nights

I've found most open mics to be a little stiff,they need to loosen up a little and have fun,I usually invite another guitar player and singer to join in and it becomes alot more like a jam.Just cant beat the fun of playing with others!

Later, Wayne P

Later, Wayne P