Topic: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

He wrote some incredible songs, but I don't really like him as a guitar player.
Still: if I could play like him, I should be really happy.
There was a song mentioned here about rock & roll is here to stay.
In the lyrics he mentions Johnny ROTTEN, does anybody knows why?

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

His guitar playing has a lot of bluegrass roots to it. Lots of hammer ons and bass walks and uses them in a more folk and rock manner and I love his style and it has helped my playing alot. I wish I could play as well,as he does also.He is one of my hero's.

Later, Wayne P

Later, Wayne P

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

Thanks my friend wlbaye. I believe it's probably the first time we are in contact, directly.
Concerning Neil Young I wrote " IF I COULD PLAY LIKE HIM A WOULD BE HAPPY" but my point was and still is
1) he is one of the GREATEST musicians here on earth.
2) if you listen to the songs, especially the earlier songs, and your eyes are closed, GREAT.
3) He has a particular guitar style, and as an ACOUSTIC PLAYER HE IS ONE OF THE BEST, BUT PLAYING ELECTRIC, SORRY FOR THIS: it is a little bit messy.
4) Now I understand why so many people call him the "godfather of punk), because of his unique approach of his guitar. If you listen to the song "like a hurricane" and "cortez the killer"you will notice that he is less brilliant playing electric.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure someone will), but I believe Neil is referring to Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols who died at an early age. Concerning Neils lead playing, although I'm a huge fan and have been for many years, I agree that he is not the greatest or even among the top 25. Neils style is similar to many of the guitarists from the sixties,fairly simple runs following the melody line of the song. But all in all what he lacks in lead skills or vocal skills for that matter(the first time my daughter heard him she asked me who that whiney sounding guy was) he is a great and talented songwriter and performer who has stood the test of time

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols is still alive. AKA Johnny Lyden. Sid Vicious, bass player of the Sex Pistols met an early demise though. His life and death is told in the movie "Sid and Nancy". Not suitable for children. I too have always wondered about that line in Neils song.

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

I think that even Johnny Rotten would admit that he died early.

This is his latest project - advertising butter - .

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

Johnny is still going strong, never would I say he has died early.
Anyone would have taken that butter advert for the right money.

He is a man that speaks his mind, a bit too much sometimes but he always sticks up for the under privillaged folk, he speaks up for the animals that cannot defend themselves ( I better hide from him) he is anti government ( always a good thing in my books) He takes no nonsense from no one, not even on tv when told to do so.
He is living in the real world with no P.C in his mind.

He showed the nation ( the UK nation) what his true personallity was like when he was on " Im a celb get me oot a here" He does mouth off a bit too much but thats only because he thinks or knows that they are being pretentious idiots that do things becasue they are expected to do  or say things because of who they are. He brings them down for this and good on him.

He was a superb frontman for sex pistols. Whether you liked them or not you got to admit he done a great job of shocking folk in the 70's which is why Malcom McClaren formed the band, carefully hand pisked these nutters and told them what to do. Not that they needed telling what to do to shock, they done fine themselves.
He does know right from wrong even though his past actions may not seem it, but most times when acting an idiot it is an act because he is a musician with a role to play. It makes him money.

Now on to Neil Young.....I dont know much about him, but something tells me I would like him a lot. I watched him on TV last week without knowing who he was until I hit the menu button on the TV.
I should look more into this guy.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Neil Young & Guitars & Johnny Rotten

Hey, thanks for the correction guys. I don't recall where I got that specific piece of info but now I've got no idea where he was going with those lyrics. And upyerkilt, Neil along with Crosby,Stills and Nash wrote some of the best songs of the 60's and 70's. Everything from ballads to crank it up rock. To hear some of their earlier stuff check out the Hollies and Buffalo Springfield.All great music. And if anybody has the answer to the Johnny Rotten question,lets hear it.

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway