As told in one of the many threads I am "blessed"
It all started with a GIBSON LES PAUL STUDIO in 1993. I had a friend who was a big man at the airport customs.
I paid that brandnew Studio 500$.
2 years later, I went with a friend to some great music shops, and we tried the higher class models.
Test - procedure: sitting on an amp, all knobs for tone, volume, distortion & clean in the same position.
There was 1 guitar over classing all the others, a PRS Custom 24, and 3 years later in another shop, there was a 6 month old PRS like brandnew, no scratches, nothing and half priced.
It was "my dream guitar", and indeed I earned more than enough as MD thanks to a few specialties:
1) I was well known for making capsules (in fact the pharmacy) to loose weight.
2) I had a laser (50.000$) and I could use it "therapeutical" AND "surgical (minor surgery), since I had the very first laser in my country and at least for 5 months, there was no competion at all, and I became a very skilled user.
3) I am also a "skilled" hypnotist (I don't practice this no longer, but I compare it with riding a bike: you never forget it.
Concerning point 1 & 2 I saw a lot of people, at least 75 patients every week and still growing with 100 patients a week ONLY for 1 & 2. Those people were no "fix" patients they came from everywhere, the record stands on 120km from my office. I GAMBLED and I WON. It is a tiny line, and my collueges here didn't dare to take that step. RESULT: AN ALMOST UNKNOWN JEALOUSY, and for me ??!!..... So, by taking that step, I was really succesful, and I didn't mention my patients: 30/day. I worked as a fool, neglecting all other things, like family, in particular my daughter I DIDN'T TAKE TIME TO SEE HER GROWING UP, my private life was a mess, and I compensated this by "running" away and buying guitars. Add a big dosis luck, like having the occasion to buy a Martin HD-28 for 600$, and a set of Fender Strat 1964, Gibson LP Custom 1968, from people who needed money, and didn't play no longer.
In fact I always had these brands, so it is more difficult to give my opinion. I am not ashamed about my collection, I was simply on the right time and the right moment.
I go a few times a year to a big guitar store, and I played on an few EPIPHONES, and the best guitar was the SG special, the cheapest.
- CAN YOU STILL CALL AN EPIPHONE AS A CHEAP GUITAR? Well, look at the price of a lot of Epiphones. A lot of them are in a price range between 600$ - 900$ now, can you call this cheap?
It is so difficult and I posted a lot topics with decent prices.
My BEST GUITAR EVER IS A DUESENBERG 49er, (they are more expensive ib the USA than in Europe). And as read A GUITAR IS AS GOOD AS HIS PLAYER. I am convinced that Jimmy Page would have an amazing sound too, if he played epiphone.
Last but not least: a lot depends on the amp you have.
[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color] AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]