Topic: In the worst of times . . .

Well, we are living in gloomy times, but what do we turn to when the going get's tough - well turns out that we turn to music. HMV ( a big music store in the UK ) has just announced that it's profits rose by 3% over Xmas !

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: In the worst of times . . .

also the scottish paper " the daily record" thought since everyone in the world was feeling the effects of this money thing ( i hate the term "credit crunch" )it would put the price up by 5p to 40p, even though i cannot remember ever seeing any notification of this.
I would have thought the price would have come down since the government slashed 2.5% off tax. so now the newsagents and the printing factory are all making more money from us paper buying public.

its good to know they care


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: In the worst of times . . .

upyerkilt wrote:

also the scottish paper " the daily record" thought since everyone in the world was feeling the effects of this money thing ( i hate the term "credit crunch" )it would put the price up by 5p to 40p, even though i cannot remember ever seeing any notification of this.
I would have thought the price would have come down since the government slashed 2.5% off tax. so now the newsagents and the printing factory are all making more money from us paper buying public.

its good to know they care


There's no VAT on newspapers.
I think they make most of their money from advertising rather than the cover price. Even so, when they put the price up, you are right, it's not the sort of news they want to print!
Our local paper is the same. Over the last year or so the price has gone up by one or two pence a number of times from 40p up to 47p.