Topic: Temptation!

I had what I thought was a few minutes to spare on my way between appointments this morning and stopped by a consignment/pawn shop.  I had never been in it before, but it was a really nice one.  They had a whole lot of guitars, a couple Martins including a left-handed twelve string, a couple of other twelve strings that were I think old Alvarez's but can't be certain, plus a Blueridge and a maple Ibanez that sounded really great and tight and with a resounding bass.  All at fair, not great but fair, prices.  All in really good shape too.  So anyway, while I was there, a fellow was leaving with a big old plywood doghouse bass.  A bit worn, but not too worn.  Needed new strings, but the rest seemed in good shape and didn't have anything wrong with it a bit of elbow grease and finish wouldn't fix. 

He was loading it in his car and I thought he had just bought it, but instead he had just got it out of hock or had picked it up from consignment (not sure which).  So I was talking to him and we had a bit of a similar background in that we're both former classical players but we both dig roots rock and how a little plank-slapping sounds really good in that.  So anyway he says, "It's for sale if you want it?"  "What'a'ya want for it?"  He named me a price that's an amount of cash I have sitting at home in my pin money jar.  Hmmmmmmmm.  I am SO tempted to pull the trigger.  I just don't know where I'd put a big ol' doghouse bass in my teeny tiny studio/office/laundry room.  But MAN, I am tempted.  I think I'm going to have my neighbor, the hall-of-fame football (American football) player athlete tough guy who likes to plant flowers and rearrange furniture (he's an enigma) to see if he can come up with a re-arrangement that would allow me to fit a doghouse in here.  If not, I may put it behind my bar.  I don't use the bar as often as I should.  Bass storage seems like a reasonable usage. 

I got his name and number and will keep it handy for a couple of days until the temptation either turns into a craze that requires satisfaction, or I get all jazzed up about something else. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Temptation!

Zurf, when you gots an itch you just gots to scratch it. Never mind the "where am I gonna put it" just get it and worry about everything else later. Be strong, be assertive, you want it then you get it. Never look back.


PS: It might make good sense to check on where your next few nights sleeping accomendations will be. If there are repairs needed to the dog house I believe I would do them first.

Re: Temptation!

It sounds like you want it.  You may be sorry if you wait and it's gone.  Go with your gut, bud.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Temptation!

well if you wont miss the money then go for it and worry about storage later,
Just dont tell your wife until you take it home and burn the sellers name,number and address so there is no going back lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Temptation!

mutants say "get bass must have bass bass good"  lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Temptation!

Bass good buy it buy it now!!!

Don't Cry because it is over...

    smile because it happened.    Gabriel GarcĂ­a Marquez

Re: Temptation!

Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....That Bass Now.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....That Bass Now.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....Buy.....That Bass Now.....:)

Re: Temptation!

I can picture Zurf spinnin and balancin on that big ole bass like the dude in the Stray Cats used to do.

<big ole bass> Buy meee Zurf, buuuuy meee </big ole bass>

Toss the bar - make a horizontal stand for the bass - now that would be a cool bar. big_smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Temptation!

That's not temptation, Zurf, that's OPPORTUNITY!

And you wouldn't want to pass on a great opportunity, would ya?

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Temptation!

Once your wife has fallen over it a few times I'am sure she will make it part of the family!

                                   BUY IT  lol

Re: Temptation!

I'm still tempted, but I think I'm going to pass on it.  I have two electric basses here, and I've already got a fiddle and an autoharp and a sack full of harmonicas lined up for me to learn to use before I learn that ol' hillbilly slap technique on a bass.  It'd sit unused for too long for me to justify the space.   Now, if I can find a decent space in my pitifully small office/studio/laundry room, then I will go buy it and suffer the consequences. 

My wife was funny.  She was saying, "Why would you buy that?  Your jam sessions are all at campfires.  It's not like you'd take that thing camping with you."  "You think I wouldn't?"  "Oh, yeah.  Forgot who I was dealing with there.  You would." 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Temptation!

Zurf if it floats use it for some canoe outings the shape makes an ideal place for your legs to dangle in the water lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Temptation!

Hey Zurf ,
I had an experience not unlike yours last summer ... There's a pawn shop that I drive by two or three times a week in the summer and I decided to stop one day ... Right away I saw a nice little black Oscar Schmidt 335 copy .. Price 150.00 ... Really tempted too because I play a black 330 copy and always wanted one like it to keep tuned different ...
Well I asked what bottom dollar was and the gal said the price is on it ( and was'nt very nice about it ) , and when I asked to plug it in and try it out it seemed like a lot of bother for her , L O L .. Anyway I left without buying it , but every time I drove by there I wanted to stop and buy the thing anyway .... About two weeks later I decided to go buy it and it was gone ..... So I say buy the bass then decide if you want to keep it .... Wish I had done just that , L O L ..

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: Temptation!

You like it, it looks good - so OWN IT. Even if you never play it - you can just look at it  and close your eyes and dream of what it's history night be. Life is tooooo short to worry about trivialities - BUY IT.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: Temptation!

We'll see.  Good story, though GSE.  These folks couldn't have been nicer.  The guitars they were showing were out of tune.  We've had some changes in weather recently.  They usually keep them in tune on the floor, but their employee who's a musician was on a trip to see some family and wouldn't be back for a little while.  Totally understandable.  They offered to loan me a tuner and let me tune them up for myself however I liked, but then I got the call that my morning appointment had showed up after all and so I had to rush back home. 

I think I'll hold out for getting a better quality acoustic guitar, maybe an A/E model.  If I need a new bass, I'll sell my Ovation Magnum on e-Bay and be able to afford both an A/E bass and a used plywood upright.  I don't play the Magnum any more anyway.  It's a really good rock bass, but I don't play rock much.  When I play bass it's usually country, folk, or praise music.  For that I've got a Yamaha fretless with sweeeeeeet GHS flatwounds and it plays just as smooth as butter.  For any real deal playing, I'll replace the pickups, but for the backporch picking and jamming sort of things I do the factory p/u's will work fine. 

Now if I could just figure out time to start learning that fiddle.  I've got the perfect first fiddle song to do too, Louisiana Saturday Night.  To be followed shortly after by Si Kahn's Wild Rose of the Mountain.  I play both of those on guitar and it would be cool if I could figure out an arrangement and record both parts. 

Plus, my neigbor has an upright that he's offered to let me use anytime.  I could get my chops up on it before buying my own and take up space in his basement.

All of that said, I'm seriously considering calling a drummer buddy who has tons of space, empty nester with a house bigger than mine, and see if he can "hold" it for me.  He plays bass too, so I'm sure by the time I found room he'd be way more advanced than I will ever be. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Temptation!

i'd Pray about it. that's what i did with my new guitar.

The world is only going to get worse!

Re: Temptation!

WBH - That's pretty much what I did.  I wound up feeling convicted of having more than I need and not appreciating all I've been given enough.  Accumulation had begun to take the place of appreciation. 

So I've started to sort, organize, and redistribute.  I've given away some stuff, thrown away some stuff, and donated some stuff.  I'll continue to do so for a while until the feeling of conviction passes.  Then I'll know I've done the right thing.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude