Topic: Playing Level

I have a little challenge for you Chordies.  Have you ever wondered at what level you play?  Wouldn't it be nice for each of us who want to, to be able to go to a chart and see where your playing abilities lie?  Well, I have been wondering lately if such a chart exists.  A chart that shows different levels of skill on the guitar, or any instrument, for that matter.  This might give each of us an idea who knows what about guitar.  I am thinking along the same lines as a pain scale in the doctors office. 0-10, 0 being no pain or don't know a guitar from a piano and 10 being extremely painful or Plays like Stevie Ray Vaughan on steroids.  If one already exists, please clue me in.  If not, then maybe as group we can come up with a standard chart that explains briefly each level of guitar from 0-10. I am sure we would appreciate this ability and so would the rest of the music world, for that matter.  Maybe we could call it the Chordie Scale. I guess I could possibly come up with a draft, but I really don't know how to clearly define each level.  This is where you come in.  Maybe you can start throwing out some ideas for the first couple of levels and we could go from there.  If one doesn't already exist and we come up with a clearly defined chart, I am sure it would spread throughout the music community.  Or am I just way behind the power curve on this one?

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

well you can go ahead and make a chart but if you want to know my level just click on my website and listen,these are only six songs and I have over a hundred and presently im recording a CD at a recording studio so on a scale of one to ten im over 5 somewhere smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Playing Level

This sounds like a pretty cool idea.....If there is or was such a chart I'd put myself in the 4-6 range

Re: Playing Level

Russel, I was hoping that maybe you or someone else could track the levels as we make them and publish the finished product.  Come on , what do you say?  It would be a great product once finished.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

to make something like this work it needs separate genres because not everyone plays or likes the same music there would have to be a list for each one and if someone wanted to have themselves rated they would enter there name on the appropriate list  like rock,country,folk,techno ect...and then one of the forums would have to host this judging I could do it in the recording forum if enough members were interested in participating and I would suggest a panel of judges and it would be ok for a judge to enter providing he entered in a genre he was not judging something like that,its not exact but suggestions are welcome and I will help judge but I dont want to be the only one smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Playing Level

I'm with you Russell...  Somewhere over five in most areas, but "I can't play reggae" the counter-beat throws me everytime LOL.

But I do have to wonder.... what would be the point of a scale to rate yourself?  If you are really good, you have music on the market, or (like you) a studio sponsor.  The rest of us are just in it for the enjoyment of doing it.  Teaching, learning, participating and inspiring the next generation is to me what it is all about.  It is not competitive it's music!

Just my "tuppence" worth...

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

7 (edited by arkady 2009-01-10 08:37:46)

Re: Playing Level

Hi bensonp
I think some of the more techinically minded members maybe those who like theory etc may go for it.
But to me making decent music would never be the ability to score high on some chart not even out of curiosity..
I have to agree with Russ and Doug.

Re: Playing Level

hey guys I'm new here. so wats up.

Re: Playing Level

OK the levels are

10 Arpeggiate and digitate robustly
9 Play a B if you're not a mutant
8 Find a song your granny can sing.
7 Bounce pick on floor, catch in teeth and do a hendrix.
6 Play a B - if you're a mutant  or pick out the root note if you're not.
5 Use three fingers and your thumb in any order
4 Play an F in first position ( some people think this is in the wrong order)
3 Strum
2 Play a C using four bottom strings
1 Pick up your Uke

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Playing Level

hi marky and welcome to Chordie its usual for new members to introduce themselves by starting a topic theres a "new topic" button on the upper right of each forum just click on it and its self explanatory Title and below the area for you remarks once you have finished you can click preview or submit the preview lets you see any errors so you can change them and if your satistied click "submit" and the topic will appear at the top of the forum ok smile

marky1256 wrote:

hey guys I'm new here. so wats up.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

11 (edited by Zurf 2009-01-10 14:29:38)

Re: Playing Level

There is a music school in the Blue Ridge mountains not far from here that uses a scale to have potential students describe themselves.  It's only four steps long, and the most critical difference between steps two and three are in step two you can get to an F chord, in step three you can readily and easily play a clean F chord.  Step four is for mutants, and while they don't explicitly say so I suppose they expect step four people to be able to play an evil B chord.

On their scale, I'm a rising three.  But there are a lot of things that I can't do, so I'll probably be stuck as a two waiting to rise to three for the next decade.  On the scale described above, I'm a 5, but I think that scale has a rather geometric shape where a five is not much higher than a two, but a six is much much higher than a five.  In a straight sliding scale where one is some guy who saw Ricky Scaggs pick a guitar on CMT once and ten is Al DiMeola, I'm a three.

And as far as the geometric scale described above, my granny knew Grandpa Jones, Roy Clark, and even used to babysit the Statler Brothers (at least the two who were brothers but weren't named Statler).  She played ukelele and I'll bet just about any of us could find a song that she could sing, so long as it was a gospel song from the Appalachians or in the Methodist Hymnal.  I that step on the scale depends on who your granny is.  My momma could sing just like Miss Patsy Kline, though she was always 1/2 beat off and she'd hang on notes so you couldn't use regular timing with her.  She was kind of like a blues artist in that respect.  Try putting regular timing on John Lee Hooker and it just won't work.  They're both singing in a heavenly choir now so I guess it doesnt' matter anyhow, but I really enjoyed that "find a song your granny can sing" rating 'cause it put me in mind of happy times. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Playing Level

I don't see the point. Can you express yourself and do you enjoy playing? This is the only factor. I would much rather listen to a player like BB King , David Gilmour or Neil Young than Malmsteen, Steve Via or Joe Satriani. But technically speaking Malmsteen might be light years ahead of Neil Young from a technical standpoint. Play both their records; whose song moves you the most? My answer would be Neil Young, yours might be Steve Vai.

The point is who cares. This is subjective and always has been. Besides, anyone at any level can contribute. You don't have to be a great guitarist to be a great musician. I picked up the guitar 20 something years ago to make music not impress people or approach playing from a scientific view. Playing guitar is about having fun and more importantly MAKING MUSIC. I don't care who's technically better.
Music comes from somewhere other than "look, I can make a B chord and you can't therefore I'm better". Sorry IMHO this has no bearing

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Playing Level

Thanks Moderator.

Re: Playing Level

Boy, you're a tough bunch.  Look outside the box for a change.  This isn't to rate each other, or I can play better than you, Ynaah,ynaah.  It would be simply for us to get a sense of where each of us stands so when we talk to each other or teach each other we know at which level to explain our theories.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

bensonp wrote:

Boy, you're a tough bunch.  Look outside the box for a change.  This isn't to rate each other, or I can play better than you, Ynaah,ynaah.  It would be simply for us to get a sense of where each of us stands so when we talk to each other or teach each other we know at which level to explain our theories.

when i started reading this I thought here goes another moan. But I read on and I could not agree more.
I know I am nowhere near as tallented on the guitar as a lot in here but I have fun and enjoy what I do, I can even handle the negative critisism that gets thrown at me.
But I enjoy playing no matter how bad i sound sometimes, and I might not even want to better myself if I dont want to. ( but I do lol )

As long as we all enjoy what we do and get help when we need it and give help when we can then we are all happy.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Playing Level

I, also, am not as near talented as most in here.  As a matter of fact, if there were a 0-10 scale, I would probably be between 2 and 4, maybe, but I do love to play and sing, mostly for myself.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

all right just to satisfie your curiosity and to prove we are not really a tough bunch post a sign up list in the recording forum and if there is a positive response to this proposal I will support it and offer any assistance needed,the balls in your court smile

bensonp wrote:

Boy, you're a tough bunch.  Look outside the box for a change.  This isn't to rate each other, or I can play better than you, Ynaah,ynaah.  It would be simply for us to get a sense of where each of us stands so when we talk to each other or teach each other we know at which level to explain our theories.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Playing Level

Fair enough, Russell.  Thanks.  I really didn't think you were too tough on me, by the way.  I hope I did it correctly.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

was it the missionary posistion lol

bensonp wrote:

Fair enough, Russell.  Thanks.  I really didn't think you were too tough on me, by the way.  I hope I did it correctly.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Playing Level

it looks fine good luck with it smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Playing Level

bensonp wrote:

I have a little challenge for you Chordies.  Have you ever wondered at what level you play?  Wouldn't it be nice for each of us who want to, to be able to go to a chart and see where your playing abilities lie?  Well, I have been wondering lately if such a chart exists.  A chart that shows different levels of skill on the guitar, or any instrument, for that matter.  This might give each of us an idea who knows what about guitar.  I am thinking along the same lines as a pain scale in the doctors office. 0-10, 0 being no pain or don't know a guitar from a piano and 10 being extremely painful or Plays like Stevie Ray Vaughan on steroids.  If one already exists, please clue me in.  If not, then maybe as group we can come up with a standard chart that explains briefly each level of guitar from 0-10. I am sure we would appreciate this ability and so would the rest of the music world, for that matter.  Maybe we could call it the Chordie Scale. I guess I could possibly come up with a draft, but I really don't know how to clearly define each level.  This is where you come in.  Maybe you can start throwing out some ideas for the first couple of levels and we could go from there.  If one doesn't already exist and we come up with a clearly defined chart, I am sure it would spread throughout the music community.  Or am I just way behind the power curve on this one?

This could be the ultimate test to determine the world champion narcissist. ...?????

Give everything but up.

Re: Playing Level

Before anyone goes expending much energy on this. There are guitar grades already - for instance -

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Playing Level

When ascertaining one's level of playing is it possible to allow for a good picker having a bad day? Or after lots-o-beers?

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Playing Level

Russell_Harding wrote:

was it the missionary posistion lol

bensonp wrote:

Fair enough, Russell.  Thanks.  I really didn't think you were too tough on me, by the way.  I hope I did it correctly.

Dog style smile

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Playing Level

tubatooter1940 wrote:

When ascertaining one's level of playing is it possible to allow for a good picker having a bad day? Or after lots-o-beers?

I just watched the Philadelphia Eagles beat the N.Y. Giants (Oh how sweet it was) and just about did in a 30 pack of Bud Light. I'd put my playing level at -2 right now