klt_js08 wrote:Okay so,
I'm a fairly new guitar player but resently I've had problems with my amp connection. I find it will cut off and on randomly as i play. I dont know if its my guitar or my amp, I'm not really guitar savy. It would be great if someone could help me out.
Hello klt_is08 and welcome to Chordie. Your problem could be a number of things;
-you may need to replace your guitar cable(cord)
-you may need to clean the contact points inside the plug on your guitar and/or inside the input on your amp
-your power sources (power cord from amp, plug-in source, ie power strip, extention cord, etc) may need replacing
-there could be some wiring inside of your guitar that is about to come undone or is shorting out. If your plug in source on the guitar is loose, the wiring from the plug will 'twist' each time you plug in/unplug. After too many 'twists' the wire will break.
I always like to begin my troubleshooting from the guitar and work my have from there. (guitar, cable, amp, main power source)
Good Luck Resolving Your Problem,
Give everything but up.