Re: comments on youtube

upyerkilt, i think you are right. i wouldn't post something degrading on here unless it would hopefully help.
i don't have high speed so i can't watch vids on youtube. i didn't know that you had to be a member to post something on there.

The world is only going to get worse!

Re: comments on youtube

Well I have to agree with everyone.  Any place people can leave a comment without it being monitored you're gonna run into "Trolls".  I have a you tube channel as well and you can modify who can comment under "Edit Channel".  You can set it so that the comments will show only with your approval.  I haven't had any problems with "Trolls" yet so I let everyone comment.  I do believe in free speech but sometimes people are just plain mean.  They have no life so they are hell bent on destroying everyone else's too.  As the nursery rhyme says, "Leave them alone and they'll go home, wagging their tails behind them".  smile 

Now on to alvee33 and upyerkilt's performances!  WOW guys.  Way to go.  Awesome jobs.  I think uploading vids of yourselves is a great way to share with family and friends who may not be close.  I also find it helpful in seeing what I can improve on.  Here's my channel if you'd like to check it out.  My husband is playing bass with me.  We have allot of fun jamming together.  I've been playing and taking lessons for about 2 years and my husband started playing last year and just started lessons in the fall.  So we're real beginners.  I also tried to sing and play on a Tom Petty song, Night Driver.  Yikes!  But again, just putting yourself out there like that takes allot of balls.  I applaud everyone who does it and encourage those who haven't to do it! 

Anyone else have a you tube channel with vids of themselves playing?  I'd love to see 'em!  Cheers!

That's All Non-Violence is
--- Organized Love---
        Joan Baez

Re: comments on youtube


You just said something that I never realised i done. I put my vids on and tell my dad and cousins etc in america, some have never even met me, others have not seen me for over 17 years so this is a very good way for them to see me and hear me.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: comments on youtube

upyerkilt wrote:


You just said something that I never realised i done. I put my vids on and tell my dad and cousins etc in america, some have never even met me, others have not seen me for over 17 years so this is a very good way for them to see me and hear me.


Absolutely Ken!  Most of my family and friends live far away from me as well.  It's a great way to connect.  Cheers!

That's All Non-Violence is
--- Organized Love---
        Joan Baez