Topic: Two users from the same computer

hey guys i was wondering if you could have two totally different users on the same comp. my bro wants on.

The world is only going to get worse!

Re: Two users from the same computer

Yeah, I don't see why not.

"You have to get over the love of power, and enjoy the power of love, in order to know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix.

Re: Two users from the same computer

There is a free program out my boss was showing me(I forget what it is called) It allows me(for example) to access your computer,take over your mouse,search and fix problems,transfer files etc.etc. or do whatever I want to do.Both parties have to agree as it uses a roaming password and can be shutdown by either user at anytime so people can sleep at night and not worry about the second party hacking into your puter.
Not sure if that is what you are looking for but an interesting piece of info. smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Two users from the same computer

Only one problem not all computers work well together,I tried to hook up my hewlett packard xp with my gateway vista useing a hub network,well the vista reconized the xp but the xp refused to reconize the vista so it depends on a compatability issue I did solve the problem but one of them (the old one) is not online I do all my video editing,CD burnning and cover designs on it and just transfer the data to a jumpdrive and to my vista, but gettting the two to work together could work and dose but it still depends on the compatibility smile 

KAP54 wrote:

There is a free program out my boss was showing me(I forget what it is called) It allows me(for example) to access your computer,take over your mouse,search and fix problems,transfer files etc.etc. or do whatever I want to do.Both parties have to agree as it uses a roaming password and can be shutdown by either user at anytime so people can sleep at night and not worry about the second party hacking into your puter.
Not sure if that is what you are looking for but an interesting piece of info. smile


"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Two users from the same computer


  No problem setting up multiple users on a common PC.  Assuming that you are operating on XP or Vista, go to control panel and open "User Accounts"  follow the prompts and read the help files.  The username that is primary (ie you) will automatically be assigned admin rights and you will have to enter a password (if your PC is not already password secured).  Then you will enter the information for the new user and he will have to enter his own password. As administrator you have the power to allow or disallow access to files and programs which are stored on that PC.  The down side is that updates, software and such can usually only be installed from the admin account (which means every time your bro wants to install a new map for WOW, he has to hunt you down to do so).

  Have fun, Happy Christmas & Take Care;  Doug

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Two users from the same computer

You will have to both go into your Chordie profile and in the Privacy part untick the 'Save Username and Password between visits'. It will mean that you will have to log in each time you use Chordie but it will save you posting messages in each other's name and prevent confusion.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"