Topic: Lefty Uke chords?

It would be really nice if the Ukulele chord patterns drop down had a Lefty option like guitar (which is great!!)

Re: Lefty Uke chords?

hi dabassman,

if you go into your profile you will find there is an option to set your songs into this.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Lefty Uke chords?

I found the setting default option under Resources, but it still only offers guitar as a lefty option.
As a lefty Uke player, I was hoping for lefty Uke options (for all uke types) someday.


Re: Lefty Uke chords?

oh yeah, I see what ye mean.

Per might be able to sort this out. Please be patient, if there is no reply from Per on this within  2 month please ask again.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Lefty Uke chords?

How  come that most popular songs  - window - gets right in the way of  the   chords  that are transposed from the notes-  I cant even see what chord  is  suggested -   why?  shouldnt that be fixed

Re: Lefty Uke chords?

if you print  it off  it works  fine though