Topic: The Buzz Tones from Blacksburg, VA USA

John Fogle, the guitar player from this fine band was extremely helpful to me in 1987 when I was in volved in my boating accident. Not only did he 'set up' my Strat from righty to lefty but he helped me accept and face the challenge of playing guitar I had  ahead of me. John is one the most talented musicians I have ever known and also a more  humble and kind person  on the face of the earth would be seldom found.........

Hope You Enjoy,
SouthPaw41L(Toney Hall)

Give everything but up.

Re: The Buzz Tones from Blacksburg, VA USA

I did enjoy.  And I take it you had to change to accommodate your injury.  My good friend had a gun injury rendering a similar change.

Re: The Buzz Tones from Blacksburg, VA USA

You are right in your assumption. I hope your friend is faring well. … 497450.ece

Peace and Guitars,
SouthPaw41L ( Toney Hall)

Give everything but up.