1 (edited by daddycool 2008-12-08 18:33:49)

Topic: t:title"lost little reindeer"

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

a bit repetative daddy, but still i like the lyrics.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

hi ken how can anybody resist baby reindeers and little lambs thanks for your comments....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

Cute, cute, cute, Daaddycool,

Young children would love this song..

Well done again.

Ps Thank God its not a pig ! There all being slaughtered here on this wee island. and its not for consumption.  Some Ham assed fool added nasty stuff to pig food!

Just puts me right off meat.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

hi helena i thought some of the new members that are just starting to learn would appreciate an easy song to learn with,thanks for your comments....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

There's nothing at all wrong with easy songs. Your lyrics are what you make stand out, shine brightly, and be the one and only "daddycool." Great job sir!!!

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: t:title"lost little reindeer"

hi toney thats brought a tear to my eyes,i've not had a compliment like that before,it makes the effort worthwhile and of course i enjoy the experience of creating something for others to enjoy ,chordie has done that for me,a big thanks for your comments....stay cooool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool