Topic: over 200 chord progressions -

hey guys, we have a new chords progression generator over at

check it out... online guitar tuner and chords progression generator

Re: over 200 chord progressions -

Thanks, I put it in my favorites folder. Looks like a good website!

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: over 200 chord progressions -

This is a dandy tuner website as well:

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: over 200 chord progressions -

I know progress has given us a lot of improvements but honestly if you have to go online to tune your guitar it seems to me progress is making us lazy, is it really so hard to tune 6 strings without the aid of a computer a simple pitch pipe or tunning fork will provide concert A or 4/40 and your ears should take over from there smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"