Topic: the braes o killiekrankie

i remember hearing this a lot in the pubs o edimbra in the early 70,s
anyone got the chords
i can get the lyrics fo you tube   type in the corries  cheers

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

Give these a try jamiejah. The chords are listed separately, below the lyrics, but should not be hard to figure out. … tml#chords

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

Thanks a lot  also i got ye JACOBITES BY NAME,should be fun belting these oot in japan
History books writtwen by politicians
folk song written by THE PEOPLE

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

hi jamiejah

I play these songs as well as loads more scottish folk songs. … 001205.HTM

the second link takes ye to "Bonnie Dundee" but there are other songs there in that site.

The first link is full of lyrics for scottish and irish.
here is the home page of it … dxv6as.htm

and there is also a rabbie burns site with sheet music on it

hope this keep ye going for a while.
Also while I am at it. I do a few songs on youtube under the name upyerkilt123


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

thats braw  up yer kilt  i,ll hae a look the noo  cheers

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

Hi Ken   

I just visited your Youtube site and really enjoyed listening to what you have done. The "Soldier Story" especially. Thankfully that is behind us and we have moved on.

You should post the link to your site so the rest of the Chordies can enjoy it.

Kenny smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

thanks Kenny,

I posted my link a few times when i had put my own songs i had written on but I have not written anything for ages. But next time i write something i think worth recording that link will go back on again,lol.

I am planning on doing a few more scottish folk songs before christmas since I got my camera back from being repaired.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

was the soldiers song the andy stewart one

there was a soldier a scottish  soldier

or the   wan
some have come from the land beyond the sea

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

to upyerkilt  sorry i was so flippant in my earlier reply.I,ve now listened to the soldiers song

what a song  ill gie it a bash

aye so sad,like you said biys just doing there jobs most of the time from deprived areas where theres lots in the so called uk

anyway great song  thanks for sharing

Re: the braes o killiekrankie

and if you dae mair scottish fold gie us the chords and tabs as well   no the wans o acid yet i,ve had enough o syd barrett haha