Topic: New user seeks help in finding tabs
Hi I would like to say hello and thanks already for all the advice that exists on the site which has been of great help. I am a complete beginner and started playing the most basic tabs i could get my hands on,ie one finger on one string at a time.I figured if I could hear some semblance of a tune it would encourage me to keep at it, and so far so good, the house now swings to banks of the ohio,star spangled banner,silent night etc, the wife and kids are demented My problem is that when i go looking for new tunes to practice they are nearly always given in chords - even those songs that you wizards term basic are beyond me at present, I'm aware the site is called chordie but just wanted to know are there any other popular songs out there that can be played one string at a time and how do I find them.
I'm getting the hang of finger placement for the basic chords[except F] but am a long way from getting them together into something recognisable so until i make more progress its on we go with smoke on the water.
Twang on!