Yes me,
I know the feeling,sometimes its hard to not do it, because of the same reasons as you, but I could suggest what I do about it and that is to make several copies of the same song with different mixes and sit on them and after a while listen to them one at a time but not all in the same day and one will standout as the best and the nice thing is you still have the other samples so if you change your mind you can switch them,mixing is the hardest part and what I do is visit myspace pages of notable artists and make a log of where the drums are or the bass or vocal,keys,guitar in the pan, like center,left of center etc.. also I pay attention to the volume of the individual instruments and the one thing Ive noticed is it varies with the song so this tells me the engineers mixed it on the fly so to speak and probably had several samples of mixes to choose from plus almost all tracks are sent to a remix factory that specializes in this,we dont have that resource not to mention the expensive equipment eg. mic's, pro tools,professional engineers so its understandable why there results sound great and added to the talents of the artist who record the song its hard not to sound really good but once in a while we mere mortals produce a masterpiece in spite of our limited resources and that's what keeps our spirit alive and nurtures our faith in ourselves,keep on doing um phill ya sound great to me. russ
"Growing old is not for sissies"