Topic: Martin 000c-16RGTE

Hello  This is my first post,fantastic site   stumled acroos it yesterday
.Anyway i,ve took up guitar again after a 20 year  lay off and   the above guitar is available in my local 2 nd hand   shop.
I would like to attempt to play finger picking  alternative tuning(davy Graham would be nice but impossible) so what do you people think

There is also a Martin d-1 available,they are wanting aroung 700 pounds sterling for the 16rgte  and 450 pounds for the d-1
,or what guitar would you people recommend for a lapsed player
.I am in Japan so i,ve been reading about takimine they are japanese right.
Which model should i look out for


Re: Martin 000c-16RGTE

I have a Martin GTE acoustic/electric and absolutely love has a great sound and is very easy to play...great action and set up. The one disadvantage...due to it's that it doesn't have a lot of acoustic volume when compared to the Dreadnaught size/design guitars. Takamine makes some really nice guitar and I think most are made in Korea...I'm not real sure. Bottom line is to play several instruments and choose the one that works best for you! Congrats on returning to playing!

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.

Re: Martin 000c-16RGTE

yes thanks for the reply.
It seems to be the general consences that it is a fantastic guitar but the volume can be an issue.
Shouldnt be a problem in Japan as the places i might play are like living room   size haha but thats way in the future
.Yes going to the big city Nagoya Monday  to check out more guitars
thanks jamie

Re: Martin 000c-16RGTE

Hi just noticed on the Martin that it looks like it has lost a bit of its shine  on the top side of the body,i can only think of dampness or in the sunlight too longDoes anyone know?
I,m totally new to the acoustic/electric  set up,,so ifs its water related will this effect the electrics.
I have watched the video on you tube about the pick up system  so i,m stilll trying to get my head around it,but i will experiment the next time i go to check it out.
There is also a TakimineTdp 215 ,but any reviws i,m trying to read  up on are in japanese   but like you said i will try it myself to see how it feels and yes the TAkamine are made in Japan


I,m away to practise  for a hour


Re: Martin 000c-16RGTE

Hi folks getting a bit crazy here ,well mixed up
.seemingly there is a RGTE aura  and a RGTE premium i i dont know which one i,ve been looking at.
I have a close up now from u tube of the Aura system  so i will check tomorrow if its the same as thats the one i,ve been reading the reviews about
.Also i believe it was  released in 2005 is that correct
.Here in Japan i think they said it was 5 years old so its a different guitar.Basically if i am following this correctly the newer version has an anti-feedback installed which is way above the older model.
sp people are saying it was better to have the newer model
Its still a fine sounding guitar which ever model it is,but if i,m going to have trouble with feedback.
To confuse the matter even more i played a Martin D-15  which although no electric had a beautifull sound and at half the price.
Can anyone set me right on the model of the 000-16RGTE is it the aura ,PREmium or whatt
hanks Jamie