Topic: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Hi, to all at  Chordie,
As anyone  who  has  read  my  posts  will  know I  had  intended to  take  out  a  Years,
Membership  with JamPlay. However,  I fell in  America and broke my  wrist.  Now,  while
we were in America My Grandson turned Sixteen.   Since  then  he  has decided to take up      the Guitar,  Electric of course.  However he has been using one of my Acoustics'  just till  Santa, arivies.
Now if anyone remembers I got a code and recived a seven day free trail of JamPlay.
So after my trail period was up, I said in a post I thought that the site was good and worth the money,  which I do beleive.  So last week my grandson deciced to try the trail as well, since the basics are the same for Acoustic and Electric alike, I went down to try and help him use the sites on JamPlay that would be best for him in seven days.
I came across a lesson set I either missed or had been  put on after my turn. 
  It  was  by Matt Brown one of the sites instructors, the course was Learning to read Music.
Now, I have no problem with that,  but one of the first things Matt said was there would be no Tab on this lesson set.  He said that reading Tab made Guitar players  a  Laughing Stock in the Music World.  Now, this gave me the impression  that the time I have spent reading Tab was a waste of time.  Some  of  the  Worlds Top  Rock Musicians  can't or don't  read Music.
OK, Matt learned to play at home and at University, and has a Music Degree,  we  all wern't
that lucky.  Now,  I know the limatations  of Tab,  and I would love everyone to learn Music.
But everyone can't or does not want to.
Sorry  about the long post, I would like to hear the views of other members of Chordie.
Now,  I am in no way puting down JamPlay  I will probably  take out a  years  membership
anyway,  nor  does it decrease my respect  for Chordie  and its members.

So, my Question is are we all wasting our time reading Tab,  and do we consider ourselves
Laughing Stocks?

Luck and Health to all!!!

2 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-11-14 20:57:08)

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

I think any way you learn something is good and there is always help availabe on chordie to teach you the rudimentry elements of music (chords) and a free program "Powertab" is available on the net to download just googel it up heres the link and its totally free smile … 02034.html

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

the real laughing stock is someone who puts down someone else and their methods. i can both read tabs and music and i think either way is just fine.

YeeHaw! the Lunaticcowgirl writes again!

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Forgive  my blunt-ness but Matt Brown comes across as a  musical snob. It's his way or no way, and that's no way to be in instructing students of art. And yes folks, music is art, 100% art!  There is nothing wrong with tab or people who use it. For someone to say something so absurd and shallow that "people who use tab will be laughed at by real musicians" must indeed be shielding some kind of inferiority within ones' own persona. Hey Matt!, I'm a real musician, a working musician infact, and I'm not laughing.......
  The bottom line is this Headcase; whatever works best for each individual is what's best for said specific individual. Pay no mind to Matt Brown and travel the path of instruction that hits home best  with you in the most effective, comprehensible mode.
  It is not my intent to degrade JamPlay in any way, shape, or form. I'm sure 99.9% of the information and instruction on JamPlay is fantastic. I just have a difference of opinion with Matt Brown regarding this issue.
  Tab on, right on!

Peace and Guitars,
SouthPaw41L(Toney Hall)

Give everything but up.

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

In a nutshell.

One big egotistical trip.. Oh Lordy lord if we all had the making of ourselves Sure we'd all be perfect!.

I know great guitarist who never took a lesson, or studied anything to do with music. But!  they  played with the Guitar endlessly
learning all the time. Just by using  there God given fingers or feet { in some cases} Also there  sense of rhythm and sound is often enough to be the best.

I never did believe because someone was charging me for something "Either they or there product was the best".
The bigger the ego the bigger the price.

Old Doll.

Being unchristian, but honest.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Just a thought on what I posted in my earlier post.

Let's suppose that no one had thought of Tab, or a way to show Chords, or a way to represent, the Circle Of Fifths in a forn that could be reprinted in books.  So we are left with ,
Just the Teacher and Learner, and the only way to learn was Music.  As I said in the last post I
would love it if everyone could learn by Music, but there are some who can't, some who don't want to, not in todays fast world.  If you could only buy books to play Guitar by Music,  and
not the ones that say No Need To Learn Music,  where would that leave the numbers of Guitars sold every week, and how many Guitar players whould there be today.
  ( I may be on shakey ground here but I'd say perhaps 50% less than there is now.)
To those who have answered my thread I'm glad to see They feel like I do, it's not how you learn, but the fact that you learned. Even if the only ones to hear you are your friends and family.  Sometimes the Jorney is as important as the Destation.
It might sound crazy, but I feel like the members of Chordie are like family, ok, long lost
members of my family, but you get the point.  We are one large family, and if the rest of the world only talked togather, the way we do, even if sometimes we don't all agree, we don't go to War!!

Luck and Health to all!!!

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Anyway I can learn a tune is right by me.  I can take what I find here, bring it to my teacher and we can hash it out to suit my voice and such.   If we're playing the music and it sounds good to us, then it is good.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Sometimes all we need is a nod of the head and a secure Nappy { Diaper } lol

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Old Doll wrote:

Sometimes all we need is a nod of the head and a secure Nappy { Diaper } lol

Old Doll.

LMAO   That kid had better musical sense than most of the people I have seen on the bloopers of  "american idol".  aka "american idiot." 


"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Indeed ! I agree,

LMAO, myself. Headcase can  now sleep like a baby. Sure he hasn't a worry in the world. lol

Remember those little nodding dogs in the backs of cars { Your probably to young } Well im gonna get  me one of them to keep time and  amuse me as i keep playing !.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Old Doll wrote:

Indeed ! I agree,

LMAO, myself. Headcase can  now sleep like a baby. Sure he hasn't a worry in the world. lol

Remember those little nodding dogs in the backs of cars { Your probably to young } Well im gonna get  me one of them to keep time and  amuse me as i keep playing !.

Old Doll.

At 53, I'm an old fart with a young soul (thanks to music, ADD and Asperger's Syndrome).  LOL    Now you made me want to get one of those nodding dogs.  <grin> 

Now if only I could figure out what I want to be when I grow up!    (hee-hee)

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Old Doll,  what can I say the guitar playing was not great, the singing needs some improvement. But that Kid had Moxie as our American Friends would say, give him another few years and who knows where this kid can go.  Beatles' fans eat your heart out.  (He He He)
No, really a good slice of fun at this cold time of year.  Thanks for the Laughts!
As for the nooding dogs, I'm now 63, so my poor old mutt has shaken his last shake along time ago, but I still miss him?

Luck and Health to all!!!

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

I cant read music notes at all. I play by ear and by reading tabs. I think the problem is that most tabs are wrong, even the ones in store bought books. But does that make me any less of a guitar player? Hell No!!!!

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

Give a listen to the re-released Johnny Cash album, Live at Folsom Prison.  In it, he performs a song by a young man who's a prisoner there.  The young man had sent the song to Johnny Cash for that purpose.  In the introduction, Johnny Cash mentions that the young man also sent him the sheet music, but he nor any member of his band could read music, so they put their own tune on it.  He did mention that "maybe Helen" could read music. 

So, I suppose if you want to consider Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, and Carl Perkins (who was performing regularly with Cash's band at that time) to be "laughing stocks" of the music world you can.  I wouldn't.  I'd call them "good company."

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

I heard that Joan Baez couldn't read music either.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

At the ripe ole age of 47 am past wanting to learn to read music,Ave been bashin` away now for a year using tab or chord layouts .it suits me fine for MY own enjoyment i do hope to improve my playing all in good time or should that be Gods time??;)

Dont stop kid keep Rockin`

cool Dont Stop Kid Keep Rockin'  !! cool

Re: Are we really a Laughing Stock?

micky the mooch wrote:

At the ripe ole age of 47 am past wanting to learn to read music,Ave been bashin` away now for a year using tab or chord layouts .it suits me fine for MY own enjoyment i do hope to improve my playing all in good time or should that be Gods time??;)

Dont stop kid keep Rockin`

Amen brother, AMEN.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg