Topic: "Wrapped in Happiness"
Those of you who follow the Recording section will know this, but for those who do not, I wrote the chorus for this song and asked for verses to be sent to my e-mail address. I wanted the verses to be written independantly and not following any particular theme apart from what was written in the chorus. Very soon I had four sent me so I wrote the music and and with only minor tweaking to to the verses, to keep the rhyming consistant and lyrics to fit the music, I had a song. Wanting to involve others in this I sent, again by private e-mail, each musician and vocalist I wanted to include a backing track of the music and another of the music and my vocals. This was so that everyone would have the tempo, melody and a feeling of the song I wanted to create.
I was extremely pleased at the willingness of fellow Chordie Members to participate in the project and amazed at the effort and the quality of the work that everyone put in.
The contributors to this song are:
Verse 1: Jeff Taylor (Topdown)
Verse 2: Jamie Moro (Smart_deedee)
verse 3: Helena Donovan (Old Doll)
Verse 4: Russell Harding
Chorus : Roger Guppy
Music : Roger Guppy
Verse 1: Roger Guppy
Verse 2: Doug Smith
Verse 3: Rachael Hodgins (Radchael1975)
Verse 4: Russell Harding
Chorus : All the above
Lead Guitar: Tony Kerry (Arkady)
Keyboard: Randy ? (Riddler)
Harmonica: Russell Harding
Finger Picked Guitar: Doug Smith
Bass Guitar: Scott Cornelison (Fatstrings)
12 String Rhythm: Roger Guppy
In all 10 different people have contributed to this song and I take my hat off to all of you. I thank each and every one of you for your stirling efforts and making this project come to life.
This is the result of our endeavours and it can be heard on Friends of Chordie: … 1-34006800
Wrapped in Happinessby Chordie Members
PS You will now know why I have been a bit lax lately in commenting on your songs. What with working dawn til dusk and balancing and mixing this song, I have been very short of time. Please accept my apologies.