Topic: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

It is my understanding that the Chordie Chat Corner is an area to post comments concerning ANYTHING that doesn't fit within other area's of this forum. As long as the topic is being discussed freely, without any vulgar comments, without harmful comments of any kind, and only current concerns being voiced, why close the topic. I just have to ask.


Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

Have to agree.

BTW whatever happened to Jerome ?

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

Nela what topic?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

Russell_Harding wrote:

Nela what topic?

You know which one.

I have some random comments to make.  Since the topic was closed, I will make them here.

*ADMIN NOTE :no you wont sorry.*

I feel better now.  I think I'll go and make some music.

Please talk slowly I don't hear good any more.

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

I closed it as it was nothing to do with music, guitars,pianos etc.
We have cosed other topics in the past that had nothing to do with music.
the thread I closed was far too political for a music site.
If you want t otalk politics then I am sure there are loads of political forums on the net.

We do and can talk about things that are not msuical but talking about politcs will end up getting more heated with people disagreeing, just like religious subjects do to.

I also closed it as most people had their say in it about congrats to obama, but from this t was going off the original subject.

If anyone doesnt like it then please feeel free to complain to any other administrator and you can copy and paste this reason to why I have closed it.

And livebaitan, if you think you ca start a thread of from where it got locked in a new thread then i am afraid you are very wrong.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

I am with Ken on this one.

The 'Chat Corner' is for 'Backstage Gossip and General Mayhem'. OK Obama becoming President of America is news and well worthy of a mention but to drag it out to a political debate is not.

Chordie is a music orientated site and debates about how the open G should be fingered, whether the F chord should be outlawed, whether Fender or Gibson make the best guitars are within its remit. Non musical news is worth a mention out of interest, but not to get bogged down in lengthy discussion.

Do not forget that Chordie has Members from all around the globe and political news, although of interest to residents in that country, is as boring a hell to anyone else. Music is the love that we all share, let us not get sidetracked from that.

So lets get back to what we do best Making Music


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?


I certainly was not trying to pick a fight.  I did not think I was breaking any rules and/or promoting any cause. 

I also agree that politics and religion are 2 things that can break up relationships in a hurry.  I was just trying to clear up in a non partisan way what I thought was an incorrect definition.  I just read your new sticky in this chat corner (quoted below) and I respect your decision to lock the thread.  I agree I made a mistake trying to continue a closed thread in another thread.  I apologize for that.
How to enjoy Chordie's forum:
Basic Guidelines
DO'S Be friendly, be helpful.Ask questions.Share knowledge and ideas.Respect personal differences.

DO NOTS;*No obscenity, no foul or degrading language.
*No spam. Messages that simply promote a product, a service, or that advocate for a political or religious cause will be deleted. Spammers will be banned.
*No posting of copyrighted material (unless you are the writer).

PLEASE REMEMBER;Use common sense - this is a public place!Chordie's forum is used by people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.Chordie's forum is about Music and Musicians.Topics that become arguments over Religion and/or Politics will be closed or deleted.The forum Moderators and Administrators are volunteers.An individual who causes problems will be warned or banned


Now let's go pick some tunes.


Please talk slowly I don't hear good any more.

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

My two cents are'nt worth much , L O L .. But I have to agree with admin .. I was trying to figure out why that topic was posted at all , much less allowed to continue .. In my shop where my friends come to jam , I have a sign on the wall that says :  Do you remember the song ," The One on the Right was in the Middle " ?  Good , leave your politics in your guitar case where they don't have anyone to argue with !!
Hey , like I said , just my two cents ..................

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

thank you.

the sticky i put on today was mde up some time ago but I just noticed it had not made its way onto the forum.

So appologies on behalf of chordie for this going up just now rather than earlier.

the good thing is we can still talk about dog chews, smelly socks, what wine is best to drink while listening to ac dc's new album, what whisky to drink when tryint to ignore britney spears lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

I thought this section was for ANYTHING that didn't fit anywhere else. There are other posts here (some running to as much as 10 or 11 pages) which have absolutely nothing to do with music.

Have to agree when arguments start to get heated though.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

11 (edited by geoaguiar 2008-11-07 18:46:49)

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

I gotta say, I was enjoying that thread and everyone was being very respectful and their thoughts were lucid. I posted once but was enjoying other member's views. I feel like it helps you get to know someone. I was dissappointed to see it was closed. Quite a few topics in this section have absolutely nothing to do with music and remain open. As a post reader, you always have the option to not read it. As an admin, you have to agree with livebaitman's interpretation of the rules. Is it arbitrary to delete a post about politics but allow posts about holidays and TV shows?
Of course you could argue I'm just being argumentative but I just reviewed the topics in this section and only 1/2 even relate to music.
Sorry...just my opinion (which my wife says isn't worth much and should be kept to myself!!)

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

Yes Al these is topics that have got nothing to do wih music and they are let g oto run ( as long as they do not get ergumentitive, but I tihnk everyone would agree as the admin at choride have  that religion, politics do end up argumentitive. (I would include footy in that too but that is mostly for West of Scotland that cannot agree on things like that, or start arguing about proddy/catholic sort of thing)

As I am sure most know by now that read in here, I visit bothies a lot and the three unwritten rules of visiting a bothy is no talk f footy, religion or politics because these three subjects dont only start arguments, they start wars lol ok a little OTT for in here but ye get my drift?
Prevention is better than cure...... If we do not have heated debates/arguments/replies on any of these then there is no need for anyone to make excuses for what they said.. meaning everyone can stay as freindly as possible onthe forum.

As it has been said before several times we administrators are volunteers and I am only human, I know I make mistakes too but as well as make them now and again I like to prevent them too. And as an Administrator on this site I like to think I do a good job when I feel the need to reply to people or take appropriate action when needed as I see in my eyes.

I decided not to delete the thread as the initial intention was not so bad, but where would it hve ended? people can still read what was typed but let that be it. I we feel so strong we have to direct a question to another member then there is always the option of emailing the memberand discuss it away from everyone else. I even have a lot more to say on this and I  am thinking of emailing one member to explain why i said something. I could have said it in there but that would have kept it going and again.....where would it stop? and that would have been from just my question, never mind the other convos that were arising through the thread.

I hope this explains more to why I decided to close a political thread, even though I replied on it too. The initial thread I think was fine. I saw it as a " congrats to the winner" but it went further than that.

I do not expect everyone to agree with me as we all have our own views on how things should be or what they would like them to be.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

What if we all wrote political songs that were designed to form a political conservation back and forth? would those be closed also? This is called "chat corner" and you should be able to discuss whatever you want in here. I didn't see anything getting heated. If we shouldn't talk about politics or religeon, than maybe we shouldn't write songs about them either and post them here!
Moderate if you want, but use some common sense also. were all adults, and I'm sure were all capable of having a conversation without insulting or killing each other. Just my opinion!!

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

eh, all adults? no, family site and kids come here too.

And to anyone else that wants to view a moan against what I have done then please accept this appology just now.

I will not be discussing this anymore. I have said what i want t osay. I have done what I felt right to do.

Live with it or dont. the choice is yours.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

15 (edited by Headcase 2008-11-07 19:37:53)

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

I fully agree with  upyerkilt,  when I first joined Chordie, there  was a topic on why the music
industery had so many Jews.  It started of friendly enough, but then it started going down a very slippy road.  I thought it had gotten out of control and I felt terrible and I an not a Jew.
I posted my thoughts and the topic was withdrawn.

The Point I am trying to make is who cares, who is a Jew or a Cathloic, or a Prodistant, I joined Chordie to learn about music, not Politial or Riglious disicions.

I come from Belfast, we've had 30 years of fighting, my daughters grew up knowing nothing else, let sleeping dogs lie, live and let live.  The strongest wepon in the World is Love.

Luck and Health to all!!!

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

Thats fine with me! I could care less how many of this or that race is involved in the music business, All I have to say is: censorship, censorship, censorship!!! This is not the the music section, and I did not read any post that had content unacceptable for children in it.

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: Why close topic's in the chat corner?

The problem is that, particularly when it comes to politics, religion and football if you like, everyone has their own opinion. Unfortunately some people think that only their opinion is correct and try to force it upon others which causes argument and worse.

If everyone were open minded enough to accept that a differing opinion was just as valid as theirs and treat those that thought differently with the respect they deserve the world would be a far better place.

One final point, and my last on this subject. A Moderator is a god in his own section, an Administrator is his right hand and their decision is final. Only one person can overrule a decision by a Moderator or Administrator and that is Per our Mighty Admin and OBL. smile. We, for want of a better word, police the site and if we see what might become a problem looming we will do what is neccessary to prevent it.

Being the Moderator in this section I will have the last word and I am closing this topic now. Fair warning. I will delete any post that tried to resurrect this topic.

For Heaven's sake make music and not war!


"Do, or do not; there is no try"