1 (edited by daddycool 2008-10-23 15:53:15)

Topic: t:title"hombre in pecos"

hombre in pecosby robert bonsall 23/10/08  pick chords

[C]riding into pecos,

a[F] quiet mexican town,

they're [C]all having a siesta,

as the[G] sun blazes down.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]senioritas dancin [F]to the vi-olins,

[C]maracus clacking[G] to the tapping feet,

[C]drinking tequilla and[F] having fun,

[C]celebrating[G] till the [C]dawn,


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]into town ride the ban-[F]di-to's,

[C]pis-tols are spitting[G] fire,

they've [C]come to rob and [F]plunder,

no[C] respect[G] for the town[C] folk.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]they burst through the doors of the[F] can-tina,

guns[C] blazing,smashing up the [G]place,

they [C]grab the tequilla and the senio[F]ritas,

till they [C]see the [G]hombre at the[C] bar.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]hey hom-bre yo-ur in[F] my space,

better [C]move or i'll fill you with[G] lead,

the[C] hombre stands tall and [F]turns to the ban-dit,

and it was[C] he who[G] bit the dust in[C]stead.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]the other banditos start [F]firing back,

not[C] one made it back through the[G] door,

a [C]sixfoot grave ,is all[F] they'll get,

and the [C]townfolk[G] cheer once[C] more.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

[C]the hombre rides out to his[F] hacienda,

the[C] townfolk live on as [G]before,

no [C]bandito's left in[F] pecos,

and the[C] hombre's not [G]needed any-[C]more.


[F]si si si si sen[C]ior,

[F]mexicans are resting,as i [G]walk in the cantina,

[C]pour a tequilla to[F] wash down the dust,

there'll be [C]singing and byela's ,

as the [G]day turns to dusk.

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

had trouble choproing it so i took the coding off,stay cool

**Sorted it for you Daddycool - Roger**

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

hey amigo,

your getting to sound like a true cow puncher my friend, although you normally stay a bit further north?

have you thought about writing books? with your ideas and out put i'd give it some thought


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

hi phill i don't think i'd succeed at book writing you have to be able to implode the writing to make the story stretch ,i'd keep to the main facts so they'd be very shot stories,thanks for your imput....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

Well partner, I see you done gone south of the border for this one - that is a terrible American impression so apologies to those across the pond.

Good song though Daddycool, I hope you can soon get round to recording some of your songs. Wel done,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

Si Senor,

I tried tequila once in my life. I didn't know whether i was in New year OR New York after it.  I think i
may have met lots of bandidos that night lol.  After me money they were Daddycool ! lol lol lol

Nice one!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

Hola papa fresco si abla la musica good one senior smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: t:title"hombre in pecos"

hi roger ,helena,russell glad you like it ,every time i feel like recording something crops up,but i will get to it.helena sounds like you had a good time and can't remember a thing,russell i don't know what it means but i think i'll just say thanks for your comments....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool