Topic: Jewish or hebrew songs
Loking for Jewish or hebrew songs with guitar chords, anyone ???? anything on chordie
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → Song requests → Jewish or hebrew songs
Loking for Jewish or hebrew songs with guitar chords, anyone ???? anything on chordie
Greetings and Welcome to Chordie Safeshu.
Actually being here on the West Coast of America, I do not know of many Israeli artists. But I am rather fond of the music of David Brosa.... sadly no music of his is indexed here. You might try the Artists alphabetical search for musicians that you like and you might find some music with tabs or chords.
Chordie does not store any music on it's servers, but is a search engine designed to find music hosted on other sites on the web, providing that a link has been submitted by a member. This is a global community of aspiring and accomplished music scholars with a wide range of musical tastes.... surely someone will read your post who is more knowledgeable than I.
Once again Welcome and Shalom; Doug
Try These Safeshu, has a bunch of words with simple chords with lyrics (and with midi files )
on ezFolk mp3 section : Gerry Tenney and Il Fojonco
Old Doll.
Guitar chord forum - chordie → Song requests → Jewish or hebrew songs
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