Topic: Athiest's Prayer

This is a song of hope for those who choose not to believe in God.

Athiest's PrayerChristian Rock

Moderately, with feeling

Verse 1

[Cmaj7]There is no God he [C]said

And [Gsus4]we're just here by [D]cha-[Dsus2]nce

[Gsus4]Someday we'll all fade [D]a-[Dsus2]way

[C]Into this great [Cmaj7]expanse

[Cmaj7]"Why are we even [C]here?" he asked

"When we're [Gsus4]just gonna die and be [D]go-[Dsus2]ne"

[Gsus4]"Dear God," he prayed, "if You're [D]out [Dsus2]there"

[C]"Please tell me that I'm [Csus2]wrong."

Chorus 1

Where's his [Gsus4]hope?[D]Where's his [Gsus4]trust?

Living [Gsus4]life as cosmic [D]du-[Dsus2]st

[Gsus4]If what he believes is [D]true, life has [C]no [Cmaj7]meaning

Where's his [Gsus4]strength?[D]Where's his [Gsus4]love?

When it's not [Gsus4]coming from a-[D]bo-[Dsus2]ve

[Gsus4]And Lord, oh God I [D]pray, [C]You'll [Cmaj7]save him

Verse 2

[Cmaj7]He's a [C]sad and bitter man

Cuz he was [Gsus4]hurt long a-[D]g-[Dsus2]o

So he [Gsus4]blamed his pain on G-[D]o-[Dsus2]d

[C]Why?He didn't [Cmaj7]really know

[Cmaj7]So he [C]sought the ways of man

He [Gsus4]thought that he was [D]w-[Dsus2]ise

[Gsus4]"Christianity," he [D]told him-[Dsus2]self

[C]"Is just a [Csus2]pack of lies."(To chorus 1)

Verse 3

[Cmaj7]Then he [C]got to the end of the line

As [Gsus4]death was drawing [D]ne-[Dsus2]ar

And he [Gsus4]wondered what lay on the other [D]si-[Dsus2]de

[C]"Where do I go [Cmaj7]from here?"

[Cmaj7]And he thought about [C]this Jesus

He had [Gsus4]heard about during his [D]li-[Dsus2]fe

And with [Gsus4]nowhere else to turn, he [D]prayed this [Dsus2]prayer:

[C]"God, take me home [Cmaj7]tonight."(To bridge)


[Asus2]"I know I've lived an unworthy life"

Not [Dsus2]accepting You and Your grace"

[Asus2]"But Lord, oh God, I know You're there, save me [Gsus4]from that terrible place!"

Chorus 2

There's his [Gsus4]hope, [D]there's his [Gsus4]trust

In a [Gsus4]man who became like [D]u-[Dsus2]s

To [Gsus4]pay the cost of [D]si-[Dsus2]n

[C]Upon a [Cmaj7]wooden cross

There's his [Gsus4]strength, [D]there's his [Gsus4]love

Raining [Gsus4]down from a-[D]bo-[Dsus2]ve

[Gsus4]Dear God, oh Lord, You [C]saved [Cmaj7]him

[C]You saved [Csus2]him

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: Athiest's Prayer

hi 06sc500 another fine song,how about recording it so we can have the pleasure of listening to it,well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Athiest's Prayer


I like this song. Can i tell you, my Dutch brother in law is an Athiest. But he is one of lifes gentlemen, never heard him speak an unkind word about anyone in 3o years. Loves my sister and his family dearly.

Whether we believe or not, the path is love to my way of thinking. i know lots of "Crá thumpers" as we call them here. They
spend all there time at church and wouldn't support a local charity buying   a one Euro ticket. HuH!
Life lessons i call them!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

4 (edited by 06sc500 2008-10-10 03:03:16)

Re: Athiest's Prayer

Old Doll wrote:


I like this song. Can i tell you, my Dutch brother in law is an Athiest. But he is one of lifes gentlemen, never heard him speak an unkind word about anyone in 3o years. Loves my sister and his family dearly.

Whether we believe or not, the path is love to my way of thinking. i know lots of "Crá thumpers" as we call them here. They
spend all there time at church and wouldn't support a local charity buying   a one Euro ticket. HuH!
Life lessons i call them!

Old Doll.

My great grandfather was the same way, never said anything bad about anyone, was a great guy, but didn't have a relationship with God.  I can only hope that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior before he passed away.

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: Athiest's Prayer

Just do  for yourself not others, what you feel is right within your inner self and your soul. Don't spend too much time imposing your will and level of faith commitment upon others, you'll just waste your time and give yourself a hernia. Feeding someones' mind when ones' mind is not hungry is only going to lead to fierce rejection. People are gonna believe what's imbeeded within their personna and others trying to sway them to think and/or feel differently only strengthens their beliefs/opinions. The world is full of independent thinkers and you're gonna have to live with this cold, hard fact.................

Give everything but up.