Topic: "My Dog Loves Me This I Know"

Greetings!  I have been absent from the forum because of being way too busy at work.  Sorry for my absence, but I have been given some additional responsibilities that have me scrambling to keep up in the office.

I have finally gotten around to recording this goofy little ditty.  I started writing it a few years ago.  Verses will continue to be added as they come to mind.

The recording is gloriously 'raw & flawed' . . . but that is the best I can do with my limited time.  Also, the new MySpace Music player is still full of nasty bugs.

Please hear it here:
"Songs for Human and Autoharp"

My Dog Loves Me, This I Knowby, James McCormick, started years ago & still in process

To the tune of "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know"

[D]My dog loves me, this I know, [G]For his wagging [D]tells me so

[D]Floppy ears drooly mouth, He [G]likes to [D]sleep u-[A]pon the [D]couch.

[D]My doggie [G]loves me, [D]I love my [A]doggie!

[D]We are so [G]happy, As [D]happy [A]as can [D]be!

[D]My dog begs for table scraps, [G]my dog likes to [D]sit on laps.

[D]My dog likes to go for rides, When [G]thunder [D]booms, he [A]runs and [D]hides.

[D]My dog is a fearsome beast, Up-[G]on the squirrels he [D]wants to feast.

[D]Chases critters up the trees, But [G]all he [D]catches [A]is more [D]fleas.

[D]My dog likes to run and play, He [G]guards the house while [D]I'm away.

When [D]I come home he jumps for joy, be-[G]cause I [D]am his [A]favorite [D]toy.

[D]My dog likes to bark and howl, [G]Likes to snarl and [D]likes to growl.

[D]He really is a savage soul, He [G]don't be-[D]lieve in [A]self-con-[D]trol.


[D]My dog likes to snort and sniff, [G]Of your butt he'll [D]take a whiff.

His [D]sense of smell is quite well honed, He's a [G]connois-[D]seur of [A]phero-[D]mones.

[D]My dog likes to lick my face, [G]Sheds his hair a-[D]round the place.

[D]Vacuuming is such a chore, I [G]wish that [D]he would [A]lick the [D]floor.

For [D]all the years we have been wed, [G]Our dog takes up [D]half the bed.

[D]My wife and I just move aside, It's [G]like we [D]share a [A]canine [D]bride.

[D]My dog likes to walk with me, To [G]find that perfect [D]place to pee.

The [D]neighborhood has lots of posts, [G]All the [D]dogs leave [A]Post-it-[D]Notes.


[D]My dog is good company,We [G]share the same phi-[D]losophy.

[D]When I'm sad he comforts me, With [G]special [D]Frisbee [A]thera-[D]py.

My[D] puppy's cute but he can't read, The [G]paper's just a [D]place to pee.

[D]All the news he really needs, Is [G]wafting [D]by u-[A]pon the [D]breeze.

[D]My dog used to be a stray, I [G]met him on the [D]road one day.

[D]Skin and bones and full of ticks, the [G]vet bill [D]nearly [A]made me [D]sick.

[D]My dog likes to sleep and snore, [G]twitches all a-[D]round the floor.

[D]In his dreams he is so vain, He-[G]roic [D]visions [A]fill his [D]brain.


[D]My dog eats with great gusto, [G]licks up stuff right [D]off the flo'.

His [D]appetite is quite absurd, He [G]gobbles [D]down the [A]kitty [D]turds.

[D]My dog is a smelly cur, [G]Full of yuck and [D]matted fur,

He [D]really needs to get a bath, But [G]shampoo [D]just pro-[A]vokes his [D]wrath.

[D]My dog must have ADD, But [G]he is very [D]sweet to me

[D]I know why he is insane, He [G]is all [D]heart, no [A]room for [D]brains

[D]My dog is the boss of me, He [G]is in charge it's [D]plain to see

[D]Just because he loves me so, He [G]tells me [D]what I [A]need to [D]know


[D]My dog was a highway hound, [G]When we met he [D]was southbound

I [D]pulled aside picked him up, [G]Now he [D]is a [A]family [D]pup

[D]My dog is a great big wuss, [G]Terrified of [D]little puss

[D]When the cat comes in the room, [G]Out the [D]door my [A]dog will [D]zoom

[D]My dog loves me, this I know, [G]For his wagging [D]tells me so

[D]Floppy ears drooly mouth, He [G]likes to [D]sleep u-[A]pon the [D]couch.

[D]My doggie [G]loves me, [D]I love my [A]doggie!

[D]We are so [G]happy, As [D]happy [A]as can [D]be!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "My Dog Loves Me This I Know"

hi james nice to have you back ,nothing wrong with this one a great song and recording ,well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "My Dog Loves Me This I Know"

Hi james,

Ya know im a sucker for dogs { I married one } lol. Im jesting!!.

Love the song.  Could be about my Ben! I know you have seen him but , for those who havent.

He is a bit perplexed this weather as i cant drive at the moment to take him to the mountains. A wee operation on my leg has me out of action for the moment. hence the time here!

Nice one as always James.

Big  ole hugs to maisie.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !