Topic: question for vintage Gurus/Snobs
Other than the obvious mojo factor, and I know thats a big factor, What specifically is the difference between a 50's early 60's Strat/Tele and a brand spanking new Strat/Tele? I've talked to people in the past who have said quality really dropped off after CBS took over. Ok, I can understand the whole corprate greed thing getting in the way of quality. But Fender is back under its own ownership again if I'm not mistaken, and quality standards today have to be at least up to the standards of yesterday right? I've also heard the problem is the polyurathane paint. It doesn't let the wood age and breathe. I just saw an ad in musicians friend talking about the highway one telecaster with "new" nitrocellulose paint, just like they used to do. So is fender going back to thier old ways and now the new ones will be as good as the old, minus mojo? What are the other areas that are not as good as old? I'm in manufacturing, and I completly understand and appreciate craftsmanship. We always try to use the latest techniques while never compromising quality. Whenever we try a new way of doing things or a new piece of equipment we always analyze those results and if they are not up to our standards, we find out why. What specifically is the difference? Be specific. Not, It just feels right. Or it just sounds better.