Topic: The Verdicts In?

Well the Plaster is finialy off, even with Physo, i will not have the full use of my hand.
It won't go back or forward verry far, I can move the arm up and down which aloys some struning, one or two songs, then I have to rest.
I can move my fingers but not fast enough to fingerpick and not without exstream pain.
I don't have verry much power in my right hand so I have to pick the guitar up with my left.
I seem to be able to rotate my wrist as long as it is slow, if I move it fast that's it for several hours, even using my right hand to type this message is painful, and I only type with one finger of each hand. Plus at the minute my right hand is twice the size of my left hand, it swole even more once the plaster came off, don't figuer?
Still, I intend to carry on somehow.

I can symathise with Lauriesmyname, I think I'll still be able to play in some style, I wish you luck Laurie.

PS. For our American friends on Chordie, I got a Telaphone call from Busch Gardens, they had said they might pay my Medical Bill, now I made no mention of suing, I have not even spoken to a lawer, and suddenly there saying it's not their fault because it was raining just before we went in. My point the road is laid out in such away that it becomes slippery when wet and I was on a small incline when I fell. If that is the case why did they let visitors in?  My Question to the American members of Chordie is what do they think?

Luck to all!!!

Re: The Verdicts In?

First, and most important, stick with it.  It is amazing what persistance and physical therapy will permit.  Don't rush things, but don't postpone for too long either.  I wish the best of luck to you and to Lauriesmyname. 

Second, I am not surprised.  Classic negotiation technique.  Keep someone feeling easy and comforted until such time as it would be a huge pain in the neck to them to make your own life uncomfortable.  I am not at all surprised Busch Gardens would take that approach.  They kept you at ease with some not quite promises, and as soon as you're home (in your case - home in another country - even better!) send a "screw you" letter.   It is not what I call corporate responsibility.  It is also not unexpected.  I had hoped for better for you. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: The Verdicts In?

Manny thanks Zurf, It's nice to have another opinon.

Luck to all!!!

Re: The Verdicts In?


I am not american but I would say they should have made the incline non slip if they knew it was slippery when wet or at least they should have a sign up saying so.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: The Verdicts In?

Headcase I wish you a quick recovery back to health, and I would consult an attorney if you haven't already done so before replying to any correspondence from Bush Gardens.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

6 (edited by KAP54 2008-10-01 19:08:44)

Re: The Verdicts In?

Glad to hear you are on the road back to recovery Headcase.It may be a long road but you've taken the first steps. smile

I am Canadian and if this is the position I was in, I would be consulting a lawyer ASAP so they can prepare for a court case.
It seems to me they are at fault and they seem to be agreeing to that. "They might pay the medical bills" sounds like they are trying to take advantage of you.What about loss of work?What about your abilities as a guitar player.
I am not one for suing at the drop of a hat but if someone is at fault,they screwed my life up royally and have money coming out the ying yang.Your damn straight I'd sue them.
Headcase you only have one life to live and Busch Gardens has shown and admitted negligence by offering to pay medical bills only.
Talk to a lawyer Mate ASAP First consultations are always free.Can't hurt

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: The Verdicts In?

Many thanks to those who replied, I will think it over very carefuly, thanks again to all.

Luck to all!!!

Re: The Verdicts In?

Hmmmm thanks for sharing this i really like ur post it was quite helpful quite interesting i got so many new things in this post u really have the knowledge thanks.........

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