1 (edited by Headcase 2008-09-26 14:35:16)

Topic: To Korg or not to Korg?

Hi to all at Chordie, I Keep reading about the Korg Pandora PX5D, I was wondering if anyone could explain what it acutaly does, in plain English. I have a 100amp and mike set up one distortion peddle and of course an electro acustic Guitar.  If some body could explain what it does i would be greatfull.  If any member of the Chordie Gang living in England Scotland Wales, and especily Northern Ireland could also let me have an idea of the cost of this peice of kit it would be great.

Luck to all!!!!

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Not exactly "plain" english . . . . but there is a lot of info here:

http://guitars.musiciansfriend.com/prod … p;ZYXSEM=0

3 (edited by Headcase 2008-09-26 16:21:38)

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Hi, thanks to Drake, while we are on the subject, what about the Pod, imfo on any of them would be good. What I'm realy looking for is some sort of kit that will play background sounds as a backup to my playing, IE a Bass sound, drums, another Guitar.
I remember in the sixties when Pubs and Clubs where just starting to get music on at the weekends, you had one guy with an elictric Guitar and a little machine that looked like a little tape-recorder, which give him what seemed like a backing group. I don't want to end up with another amp and a stomp board full of stomp boxes. This is just for home use?

Luck to all!!!.

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Hi Headcase,

  The pod is a guitar modeler/effects unit that goes in line between the instrument cable and the amp (very similar to the Korg you asked about).  They pretty much do away with the pedalboard and all that stuff. You can program in the effects you desire and set the parameters you like and page through them in whatever order fits your playlist.  Really cool technology, and bunches less to lug around and hook up!

  I've used these devices in the past (I'm an old guy), but traded all that off on a Behringer amp with effects and midi controller.  Don't miss all those cables a bit!

  Take Care;  Doug

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Well dear friend HEADCASE, I HAVE one.
YES the PX5D, I have the PX4D too and wanted to sell it, but it is worth every cent.
Some people say they prefer the KORG PANDORA PX4D to PLAY LIVE, because you can use it on your belt and it should be easier in use than the PX5D.
Watching all my stuff like an old (but still existing) ZOOM 8080, a BOSS VF-1, a LINE6 POD XT LIVE, and last but not least one of my amps the "FENDER CYBERTWIN 2X65W", I prefer my PX5D above all the other gear. It is amazing what sounds and combinations you can "squeeze" out using the PX5D.
Yes, I am lost. You can use it with a guitar "input jack" and connect it with an "output jack" straight to your amp. Or if you don't want to disturb the neighbours or your wife, plug a headset in. When I use it, I am busy to find the correct rhythm pattern and I swear using this device for a month = you play 2X better than a month ago.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Thanks to all those who answered my post on the Korg and the Pod, I think I might go with the Pod solely on price, we in Northern Ireland pay through the nose for all electrial gear.
There is not a lot of compation, just three music shops in Belfast, which by English standards is a fairly large City. Anyway thanks again to all those who replied. 
As for you Doc I hope you are keeping well, and continue to get better.

Luck to all!!!

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Missed this one Headcase...Sorry about that.

I paid $275.00 Canadian dollars for my PX5D.Being new to recording and relearning to play I find it an awesome little gizmo.
As Doc says you can use it in your TV room with headphones to not bother anyone or use it cranked to jam. smile
Loaded with lots of preset base lines to jam with. 100 I think.
Loaded with rhythm patterns(not sure how many)
Loads of great effects that you can tweek to your liking.
The PX5D makes my electric/acoustic sound like I'm playing a top line electric should I wish.
I have been busy tons outside of music so I have not spent as much time on it I should but I'll get there.

Thanks Doc for turning me onto it. smile

Hope this helps Headcase


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: To Korg or not to Korg?

Yea, thanks Kenny, you say it coust you $275, now that should be about £150, however with Music Tax it will probley cost me double that, that's the British Tax system for you, if it doesen't have a Tax, stick one on it.

Luck to all!!!!