Topic: MySpace Media Player

The media player at MySpace has been changed. sad
It doesn't affect me but reading the forum at MySpace there are a lot of people that lost lyrics and video.Better check your page to see what's up.
Sounds like they did this to accommodate major artist as they can now have more than 6 tunes on their players and we cannot?
They should have given us a heads up on this one.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: MySpace Media Player

Yep - in order just to view my page this morning I had to download and install a new version of Adobe Flash.  Once that was done, the new version of the player was activated but there are still some annoying bugs.

MySpace says they are working to eliminate these problems . . .

Kenny, I agree that a little prior warning would have been nice.  I would also like to know exactly what the real advantages to this new system will be.  I trust that the changes will have real advantages for everybody (not just major artists).

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: MySpace Media Player

The media player has a "buy"option this is so all the major artists like Clapton can retail there songs direct from myspace I dont think its a free option and I think the option to have more then six songs might cost some bucks also

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: MySpace Media Player

OK this is side tracking a little, but do you really think that the Eric Clapton would have a MySpace site? I have seen his name and others famous stars as friends and looked at their sites. I honestly believe that they are false, just shrine sites put up by fans.

But I have been known to be wrong.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: MySpace Media Player

You're right Roger - I doubt that Mr. Clapton eagerly checks a MySpace page each day to see how many plays and if there are any new friend requests.

Those 'celebrity tribute' pages are sort of silly - although, I must admit that I am proud to be a MySpace friend of Charles Darwin!  Apparently, he thinks my musical talent might someday evolve into something worth listening to?

Here is an article from the trade journal 'Ad Week' all about MySpace's business strategy and why they are changing the music player: … a2da0b0b75

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: MySpace Media Player

Well ive been known to be wrong on several occasions but........ … id=8657050

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: MySpace Media Player

I had not noticed anything on it.

I will have to use my space more it was Kapp that made me go back into it,lol

Ye Kenny Kirstin is my daughter.

Hope fully I will remember I have typed this and will follwo on wit hmy thoughts and use my space more.

I am listening to myself just now. I forgot I wrote that song "Kirstin"

then I will be listening to you Kenny.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: MySpace Media Player

Very cool, Russell!  Mr. Clapton's page is quite nice & I shall ask him to be my friend.

I just went to my MySpace and it seems the new player is loading faster and there were no 'yips' in the music.  The counters, lyrics, graphics, and other doo-dads are still all cattywampus.

My guess is that there are several very tired people working very hard to get the coding to work.  By this time tempers are flaring, pompous programming nerds are arguing, egos have been bruised, and everybody needs a shower.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: MySpace Media Player

Russell_Harding wrote:

Well ive been known to be wrong on several occasions but........ … id=8657050

I have looked at that before and to me it has been put up by someone wanting to make money out of the Clapton name. He may well know about it, and take a percentage, but I do not believe that Eric would actively control that site.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: MySpace Media Player

I think this is probably his site.I only say this because I have personally had dialogue with my Guitar hero Walter Rossi on his forum and have checked out his MySpace site on his sayso.I did a post earlier on Walter Rossi and for those that did not see it here is a link to youtube from 1972. The man can play guitar. smile
He played some studio sessions with Jimi Hendrick and many other top bands in the sixties along with his own albums,he is a main producer in the Canadian Recording industry and is presently getting back to his old style of playing and is putting a band together.

His MySpace site is
When the media player is fixed have a listen to RIPDAD.It's for his dad after he passed.
Also check out his heavy weight friends
Enjoy smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: MySpace Media Player

Dang!!!...i just looked at myspace and ive had over 300 plays today....whats up with that?

Re: MySpace Media Player

Hi riddler - Everybody's counters are all wiggy now . . . or else we have all finally hit the big time!

I'm going out to celebrate tonight since I've had over 10,000 plays today.  It is obvious that the world has finally discovered my unique talent.  Funny - now that I have become and overnight sensation I feel and look just the same.

The big bucks will start rolling in now - and it's just in time because there is this Nigerian prince who needs my help.  I have been so worried about him - but now I can finally send him some money so he can get his inheritance and send me my share.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: MySpace Media Player

Congrats on your new found stardom....dont forget us little people...:)

Re: MySpace Media Player

Day 2 & the MySpace Music player is still not right . . .

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: MySpace Media Player

James so you know this fellow too? lol

James McCormick wrote:


The big bucks will start rolling in now - and it's just in time because there is this Nigerian prince who needs my help.  I have been so worried about him - but now I can finally send him some money so he can get his inheritance and send me my share.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: MySpace Media Player

OK - So I just visited my own MySpace Music page. Seems that the coding gnomes have made some progress:
The 'total plays' and 'plays today' counters have been reset to 1.  However, I have had more than one total plays since the page has been up.

However; The lyrics won't show.  The song graphics and labels are all messed up.  I checked the 'Manage Songs' page and things look all wrong . . . . I am afraid to mess with anything for fear it will get even more screwed up.

I am embarrassed for the fine people who make MySpace work.  This was supposed to be big splashy surprise when they debuted the new player and all it's new functions.  Instead, it has been a big messy headache.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

17 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-09-27 01:50:00)

Re: MySpace Media Player

James you mean you only had one person visit and play your songs or should I say song lol thats ok we all know you had a great deal more then that and my total plays are only 744 but they were over 4200 last time I looked and yours were something like 12,000 or more so it looks like I got to get busy and get some more new songs uploaded before theres cob webs on my profile page lol

James McCormick wrote:

OK - So I just visited my own MySpace Music page. Seems that the coding gnomes have made some progress:
The 'total plays' and 'plays today' counters have been reset to 1.  However, I have had more than one total plays since the page has been up.

However; The lyrics won't show.  The song graphics and labels are all messed up.  I checked the 'Manage Songs' page and things look all wrong . . . . I am afraid to mess with anything for fear it will get even more screwed up.

I am embarrassed for the fine people who make MySpace work.  This was supposed to be big splashy surprise when they debuted the new player and all it's new functions.  Instead, it has been a big messy headache.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: MySpace Media Player

My play count has returned to what I think it should be. smile Everything else seems OK but I'll wait a bit before I post anything else.
Looks like they're slowly finding all the bugs and putting them to bed.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: MySpace Media Player

OK - My patience is gone and I feel like the coding gnomes at MySpace must be in well over their heads.  It has been over 3 days now and the new music player is still not anywhere close to being right.

My page plays with lots of 'hiccups' and 'yips'.  It is very distressing since my recordings are already flawed enough when I upload them!  MySpace has big advertising dollars behind this update - - - if I were an advertiser I would be demanding some serious refunds or renegotiations on rates.

This is ridiculous . . . MySpace is not some Mom&Pop operations - they are supposed to be leaders and innovators.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

20 (edited by arkady 2008-09-28 20:40:51)

Re: MySpace Media Player

I have a week away and the Myspace player as been Bolloxed up. Number of total plays 1.. EHmmm
The great God of change has swept in and altered a perfectly good system that has run for months without problems...
If it ain't broke don't fix it Oh yeah you can forget that one.