1 (edited by David 137 2008-09-18 07:45:21)

Topic: Not a song but I DO need advice

I wrote a song, and I was in class today and my friend started playing it on his phone...now i went really red and on the brink of tears from embarressment because i dislike my singing. I've been told it's good, but is it okay to ask people not to play it because I'm not happy with it?

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

If they enjoy your song - let them, the chances are that they will ignore your request anyway being able to sing is a talent  - use it.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

David 137,

Put your song here in this section. New writers are always welcome. Dont worry about your voice, ive been singing all my
life and still dont like the sound of mine. But i have put songs on here with my own voice recorded. Its more about the lyrics
for me. A good voice is an added bonus.

Go on do it! Life is not a rehearsal Son.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

4 (edited by KAP54 2008-09-18 10:16:42)

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

Hi David

Trust me when I say I know how you feel.I have been with Chordie for 3 months or so and have learned a great deal on how to deal with this subject. The biggest thing I have learned is if I'm happy with the end result than that is good enough.Your voice will always sound different to you when recorded and if your friends tell you that you have a good voice than believe them.The means of recording will also make a big difference in the sound of your voice as will the the playback(in your case the cell-phone) If you sound good in your head while you sing than you must be a good singer.

Hope it helps smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

to be perfectly honest it is not tasteful, nor good. It is about a friend of mine who asked me to write him a song so i wrote "Alastair is Gay."
I don't like the fact that i wrote something so tasteless, and I like it less that people like it.

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

Hi David,

Obviously the song has merit otherwise your friends would not like it so, if you are unhappy with the lyrics you have used, then keep the melody and write fresh lyrics that you are happy with. You could possible just change the context of the song my making it "Alistair is a pal" or something similar.


PS. When you are happy with it please post it here and if you record it I can put it on Friends of Chordie (MySpace) if you have no where else to upload it.

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

Hey David 137

It is a good thing that you are not happy with the lyrics because I'm guessing it was written as a lark and you are feeling the ramifications of what the power of words can do.Re-write the lyrics as Roger suggests and post it up here at Chordie.
It will help you with your feelings knowing that they are being read globally, proving to yourself first and others second that you are not a bigot.
As for people liking it...I'm hoping they like the melody you have sung and if they like the lyrics than I would distance myself from them as they can be a rotten influence on a good heart.

Take Care and I hope I hear a re-write. smile

Kap54 (Kenny)

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Not a song but I DO need advice

Hi David,

You know when we do something in life and dont like the feeling that goes with it. Take note of it.
Its often a learning process, an experience not to be repeated. Now dont beat yourself up over it either, Take all the advice
here and do whats right for you. You can change the words and the feelings will change also.
I feel this post shows you have compassion, this to me is one of lifes great qualities.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !