Topic: "Love and Lies"

I wrote the music for this song and was struggling for lyrics but luckily Helena came to the rescue.

It is now on MySpace: 


Love and Liesby Helena Donovan and Roger Guppy


[C][Am][D] [G]



Verse 1:

[Em]Kiss me [Em]now, [C]then say we are [Em]one,

[Am]These lies and [F]whispers I [Fm]heard must be [C]wrong.[G]



Verse 2:

[Em]Kiss me [Em]now, then [C]say it’s not [Em]true

[Am]Tell me a[F]gain it’s [Fm]just me for [C]you.[G]



Chorus 1:

[F]"So many [G]men", too many [Am]times I’ve heard them [Em]say,

[F]I just do [C]not under[D]stand your secret [G]ways,

[F]The truth I [G]need from your [Am]lips before I [Em]break,

[F]Tell me [C]now and re[D]lease me from this heart[G]ache.








Chorus 2:

[F]Is it [G]true you need [Am]money or just the [Em]thrill?

[F]Or are you just [C]seeking comfort that [D]I cannot ful[G]fil?

[F]They can never [G]give the love [Am]I have in my [Em]heart,

[F]Please do not [C]do this, [D]to tear us a[G]part.



Verse 3:

[C]Kiss me a[Em]gain, and [C]say I'll always have [Em]you,

[Am]Tell me that your [F]love for [Fm]me is ever [D]true. [G]



Chorus 3:

[F]Do you stand a[G]lone in danger on [Am]some lonely, dark [Em]street?

[F]Whisper some sweet [C]nothings get some [D]money for your [G]treats,

[F]Do you let them [G]kiss and hold you in the [Am]only way I [Em]know?

[F]Kiss me, [C]kiss me tell me these are [D]lies, this isn’t [G]so.



Verse 4:

[C]Kiss me [Em]now, then [C]say it’s not [Em]true,

[Am]Tell me a[F]gain it’s [Fm]just [Fm]me for [C]you,

[C] [F]It is [Fm]just me for [C]you.

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Love and Lies"

well done you two, i dont have time to listen to it at the moment, but the words are great


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "Love and Lies"

Hi Roger and Lena.
Just had a listen and I really enjoyed the arrangement and lyrics.
Very easy listening song.
Kudos to the both of you. smile

Proof of the "Power of Chordie"


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "Love and Lies"

Hi Roger
Just listen to your song.
Nice to hear your getting more adventrous with your lead smile
It's a nice ballard with good lyrics. Nice collabration with Lena.
One thing I picked up some distortion in the first part of the song. It might be my sound system or the myspace player acting up it's happen before...
Well done

Re: "Love and Lies"

hi roger,helena i can't listen to the recording yet but looking at the lyrics it transcribes well ,well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Love and Lies"

Hi Phill, Ark, Kenny and Daddycool,

Thank you for your comments. Helena was a life saver with this one, her lyrics are great and the idea behind them an inspiration; a theme I would not have thought of in a million years.

Collaboration is fun.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Love and Lies"

Well done Roger and Helena...Sometimes 2 heads are better than 1 smile....Look forward to hearing more from you two...

8 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-09-13 14:46:43)

Re: "Love and Lies"

Roger I just had a listen, very nice Melodie and lyrics for this collaboration between helena and yourself good job both of you smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: "Love and Lies"


.  Im sure i drastically changed all the lyrics you sent me. I was happy to help. But, you did a fine job with the melody
and recording.

Thank You All " as always for your kind words.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Love and Lies"

Thank you Riddler and Russ,

Randy, I have previously worked with Helena and it is an experience I cherish as she is a far better lyricist than I, and a charming lady also.

Helena you are far too modest, far from 'change' even 'drastically change' you re-wrote the lyrics completely, you performed superb work with the lyrics, the song is as much yours as mine.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"