Topic: Voilin: what tune shud strings be?

have a violin, strings are certainly not E A D G, if theyre supposed to be then this Vi' is skewed. the strings are all tuned funny and one key will not stay when u turn it, it just goes rite back to "out of tune". what notes shud the strings be in and is the key supposed to stay like that to keep it on 1 note or sumn??


Re: Voilin: what tune shud strings be?

Hi rockin gecko -
G D A E (lowest to highest, perfect fifths)
Check this for tuning tones:

Chances are your instrument needs some real tender loving care. Violins are delicate beasts.  The tuning pegs are friction fit and they can get whacky if the violin has been neglected.  Also, the bridge and tailpiece may need some tweaking.  Plus, your bow is just as important as the violin itself.

Find another fiddler or a local music store that handles violins.  If there is a professional orchestra or community orchestra or string program in the local schools you can probably find a teacher.  If there are blue grass festivals or traditional music festivals in your area you can probably meet somebody who knows what to do.

Good luck with it . . . best to get some expert advice before permanent harm is done to the instrument or bow.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Voilin: what tune shud strings be?

yea, its not my violin, my brother got it for christmas couple years ago and sits in the back of his closet for 2 years aside from when he decides to take it out and mess with it although he dusnt no how 2 use it.


Rockin Gecko

Re: Voilin: what tune shud strings be?

I used to tune my wife's violin all the time before she decided to give it a go herslef. She manages fine now.

They are quite tricky to tune because of the tuning pegs. They should make them like guitar tuning pegs, no idea why they dont but I am sure there will be a good reason.
OK, The way I do it.
When I tighten the string up to roughly what it should be by the use of a tuner, one that tunes through vobrations I then push the peg in by pushing and twisting to keep it in place. The you use the fine tune adjust at the other end. Sometimes it gets very annoying when the fine tune is already as tight or as loose as it can go and you have to then readjust the main tuning peg after adjusting the fine tuning part.

She has an electric violin as well as an acoustic and this has no fine tuning on it and is near impossible to tune and keep it in tune, so we dont use that. I should sell it on some auction site that I got it off.

As for the strings, it is just tuned the same way as a mandolin ( violinists usually make pretty good mandolin players from what i have seen)
From the top ( thickest) to the bottom ( thinnest)  it is as james says it is.

Make sure you have plenty of resin on your bow too or it will just screech along the strings or worse it will slide over and not make much noise at all.

Good luck, I gave up trying this instrument after 15 minutes


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Voilin: what tune shud strings be?

Hey Gecko ,
   I love the way most guitar pickers are terrified of violins .. The way Upyerkilt does it is also the way I do it with mine ( all eight of them ) .. By the way , if the instrument does'nt have fine tuners , you can get them at any music store cheap .. If you don't want the kind that install on the tailpiece , you can use the ones that just slip under the string .. Well worth the little bit of time and money ... Also , if the peg itself is slipping , there's is a product available that stops this , the stuff I use is called " Peg Drops " , and it works very well .. Violins are'nt as delicate as people think .. The two of mine that I use as workhorses take a beating .. The most important thing , is to protect them from abrupt temp. changes , also takes away a lot of the tuning problems ...

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "