1 (edited by David 137 2008-09-07 03:32:11)

Topic: A rut

i'm sort of stuck in a rut here, I love playing guitar and I love music, but lately every time I pick my guitar up I just feel so uninspired to play (Mabye it's 'cos I've played every song in my song books) I play a lot of Bealtes stuff, but it just doesn't seem to be enough to make me WANT to play! Any suggestions how to get past this?

Re: A rut

Hi david,I think we all get stuck ,I have alot of times,I usually look around at other members books and find some songs I had forgot about and I give them a try. I have also been trying too learn some harder lead guitar . Hope that helps .            dino

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: A rut

Hi David
Going through other song books, Checkout Utube and  watch other guitarist play …
Get together with some friends who play might give you ideas…
Don’t play for a week or so if you can. Might work….
Ever considered trying to do some of your own stuff?
Set yourself a guitar goal it could be anything from learning a difficult piece to a different style of playing….
All these could  get you inspired
We all have all been there….

Re: A rut

As said we al lgo through this phase I think.

One of my mates goes through this a lot. He cannot pick his guitar up because he has no inspiration,no motivation to do so.
I sometimes get this way but not often but when I do I organise a wee jam night in the house with my mate, my wife that plays fiddle and mandolin ( and now learning the flute) and my father in law that plays guitar,mandolin,banjo, violin, banjola.
So if I organise this, it makes it worth while to practice a bit first.

But now that I have just typed the word "Mandolin" twice, and I mentioned it yesterday in the "other instruments" section. I just realised I am going through a " no inspiring motavation phase with this instrument. And I never play it in a jamming session, so how do I find the motavation to play this again? And also my Uke, not played that for a month or two properly.

I need help too lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A rut

Hi David137 & I feel your pain.  I'll agree with what others have said - now is the time to challenge yourself.  If playing is no fun - play different.

Here are some other challenges -
Do you sing & play?  If not, start singing - if you already sing, then work on improving your vocal skills.

Learn some theory - what makes music work.  Scales, chord structures, reading music, etc.

Hope this helps,  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"