1 (edited by Headcase 2008-08-31 15:28:50)


Well I've been to see the big bone Doctor, and here's the choices.
They don't want to operate because I have Chronic Bronchitis (Forty years of smoking) and I would need to be knocked out, also the reason there was so much damage was because I have Osteoporosis, (that's thining of the bone) and they could not gunintee the outcome.
If I keep the plaster i have on now there is a chanch I will only losse some movement in my wrist, hopefuly the back and forward movement, and not the up and down movement, so i can still strum and with some physo i might get the full use of my fingers back, so all in all not bad.

I have to this Thursday to make a decision, operate or keep the plaster, I think I'll keep the plaster and tak the chanch. I went ahead and ordered my new Guitar?

My daughters and grandkids say I should get rubbed out and start all over again, Oh if only we knew what lay ahead of us, (We would probley all kill ourselves) but there you go.

Luck to al!!!



You can get Anica salt tablets in your health store. This increases the blood supply to the damaged area. so speeds up the process of healing.

Talk to them at the store  about this. My brother is a ski instructor, so, he sees all kinds of damage to the human form. he is never without Anica in his kit.      I had to study about alternative medicine as part of my massage and Aromatherapy business.
Glucosamine is another  which gives great results for bone and cartilage damage. Give it time and a speedy return of health to you.

Ps, Were you a snorer Sir? as they now link this also to  chronic bronchitis. { as well as smoking }

Old Doll.

PPS, you must always consult you doctor before taking herbal meds.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


Best of luck to you Headcase.  It seems like you are a case study for difficult right vs. right decisions.  Do as you think you need, and if you are so inclined - remember to pray. 

Old Doll - you are a font of information.  I wish I knew where to get some reliable Kava Kava.  It used to be easily found in the U.S., but then the FDA found that if you feed laboratory mice nothing but KavaKava that it has an effect on their livers.  Never mind that it has been in use in raw form by South Pacific cultures since pre-history and there's no greater occurance of liver problems there.   Kava kava and a couple aspirin to thin the blood did more for me than any prescriptions drugs at relieving stress induced migraines.   Plus that combination left me in control and able to function, unlike the prescription medications.  If you know of a reliable internet source available to Americans for Kava kava, would you be kind enough to e-mail it to me.  I have found sources, but am leary of buying medications (herbal or otherwise) from the internet.  But if you told me a given source was reliable, I'd believe you.  Even though I only know you from the internet, I suspect that you are not a shill for the evil internet bogus medicine cartel. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude


Hi Zurf,

Yes they removed it from the health stores here also. Along with many more products. My friend works for one of the biggest suppliers of herbal remedies. I know they don't stock either as Ive already telephoned her. She thinks they may stock it in Northern Ireland. If so i will get back to you, as i visit there frequently.

The problems not the herbs, its the foolishness of people thinking more is better. They take to much which does cause toxicity,
Sure a long nights drinking does this also to the liver, but they don't ban booze ?. I do know if your on warfarin, you have to be careful with the amount of cranberry juice you drink as they both thin the blood. Cranberry juice does  thin the blood naturally if you drink a lot but, to much mixed with warfarin can be lethal.
Here's what you do for the moment. Buy the best strongest  pomegranate juice you can.  Not the diluted stuff in the supermarkets. But a concentrate from your health store.  Its a bit scarce around these parts but,
you should have no problem in the states. Its a great antioxidant for young and old. 
You'll be like a race horse jumping over a nine bar gate in a month or 2. lol

Old Doll

Ps Stop eating cheese/ chocolate.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


Sorry Old Doll.  There is no chance that I am going to stop eating chocolate.  I've got a Belgian and Swiss heritage.  My blood is 1/3 chocolate syrup.  I've also got Swedish and Irish heritage, so another third is beer.  I've got to do whatever good I do with only 1/3 of my blood actually being blood.   The bubbles tickle though. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude