Topic: Ukulele strings

I have just bought a ukulele, although it was very cheap, could i better quality strings on it to make it sound a little better.
Also it keeps going out of tune is this usual until the strings have settled, i had to swap the strings about because i am left handed. smile

Re: Ukulele strings

try lightly pulling on the string to stretch them out... they'll go out of tune a bit before they are broken into- this will help the process.

Re: Ukulele strings


Like I said in the other reply, I bought mine last year.
It took ages ( or seemed like ages) before the strings settled.
Istarted doing what I do with my guitar strings, I over tighten them slightly over night and tune it the next day. It might just be my imagination but I tihnk the strings settle quicker this way.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ukulele strings

Lefty here too!  I suggest trying "Aquila" baritone strings (material is called Nygut) ...a big difference in sound and they stay in tune!!!   cheers

Re: Ukulele strings

as well as the Aquila strings, it might help to tighten the screws at the back of the machine heads or tuners. my first uke was a cheaper one than my second, but it stays in tune much better. so i think it's just luck as to whether they stay in tune. i am also trying all the other things people have suggested here - thanks everyone!

Re: Ukulele strings

My 1st uke was dirt cheap and went out of tune loads as it didn't have geared machine heads. I invested a masive £30 on a better one with proper machine heads, problem solved.

Re: Ukulele strings

anyone use the ko'alua gold strings? They came on my Pono uke and they seem really hard. Do they break in? I don't know much about strings, but I have played a few different ukes and there is definitely a different feel to different strings. I upgraded from a really cheap uke with nylon strings. It actually stayed in tune great and was easy on the fingers. My new koa Pono sounds sooo much better, but I don't know if I like the strings. I may be looking for a 'softer' feel. Maybe more slack key feel.

Re: Ukulele strings

The Aquila strings are the closest thing to real cat gut strings.  I restrung my uke three times before I discovered them.  I'll never go back to regular nylon strings.

It is better to remain silent and look like a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Re: Ukulele strings

Aquila strings are unanimously the best especially for Baritone Uke.

There was just an earthquake there! You know in Aquilla Italy.

I hate to sound selfish but can we still get Aquilla strings?


I never need more then 4 strings.

Re: Ukulele strings

I changed my strings out to Aquila after doing some research. My uke's are both pretty cheap, beginner models. Boy, did the strings make a difference!!!