Topic: Neil Dimond

Looking for chords&lyrics to N.D.'s Brother loves travling salvation show. I'm a new user and could use a little help getting around, want to be part of the gang.Iwant to help the sight out if I can, been playing for years. Know most of the songs I,ve d-loaded but it helps to see if I'm right. So far 75% or close. Please chat. JPH309

I olny get along with real people

Re: Neil Dimond


welcome to chordie.

I dont know the song you are looking for, but i dont a google on it and never got any chords, only lyrics.

p.s. I moved this topic into this more apt section.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Neil Dimond

JPH309, I've played that song since it first came out. I have it in my fat book. Not too many chords. If you're playing alone the trick is to keep the guitar rhythm going during the recitation part.
"Brother, I say brother"

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?