Topic: Dang!

I don't want to start a whole debate about emo etc.....I have no opinion on the subject but check this kid out. Awesome!!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: Dang!

The kid can play...

The more I listen to emo, the more I like it. I think it's an acquired taste...kinda like BEER! MMMm, beeer...

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Dang!

So thats what all those other frets are for ..... smile

Re: Dang!

Praise the Lord and Power Chords!

  I think he does play it better than the original.

  Without a doubt there is a lot of undiscovered talent out there sitting in suburban bedrooms, and wailing.

  Thanks for the link & Take Care;  Doug

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare