Topic: "Angel"

I was trying to comlete this song and struggling with the lyrics. Then Helena told of the tragedy that befell little Hayley Burke and these lyrics fell into place with my music.

Unusually I have not yet recorded it but I will do shortly.


Angelby Roger Guppy and Tony Kerry

Dedecated to three and a half year old Hayley Burke





Verse 1:

[G]An[Em]gel, [G]An[Em]gel,

[C]Such deep [D]sorrow, a trage[G]dy. [D]



Verse 2:

[G]An[Em]gel, [G]An[Em]gel,

I wish [C]you were [D]still with your fa[G]mily.[G]



Chorus 1:

[Bm]It is the [F#m]Angels you are [G]now a[D]mong,

[G]But why were you [F]taken so [D]young. [Dsus]



Verse 3:

[G]An[Em]gel, [G]An[Em]gel,

[C]I don't unders[D]tand why this had to [G]be. [D]










Verse 4:

[G]An[Em]gel, [G]An[Em]gel,

[C]You've left be[D]hind so much [G]love.[G]



Chorus 2:

[Bm]Your joyous [F#m]laugh, your [G]happy [D]face,

[G]Will always [F]be here in this [D]place. [Dsus]



Verse 5:

[G]An[Em]gel, [G]An[Em]gel,

[C]You are [D]now an Angel a[G]bove.[G]

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Angel"

Quite lovely, Roger - look forward to hearing this one.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Angel"

Thank You" Roger,

Just lovely. Her parents and grandparents will be delighted she is immortalized in song.

How very kind of you to do this for them.  Ill pass this on to them.

Nár laga Dia do lámh

{May God not weaken your hand}

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Angel"

Beautifully written Roger.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "Angel"

hi roger a lovely song for someone so young,well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Angel"

James, Helena, Kenny and Daddycool thank you.

I can now reveal why I put the song up without a recording. My backing was with Arkady and he has added the instrumental to this song. Many thanks to you Ark.

So it is now on MySpace.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Angel"

Roger very nicely done! Arkady's accompaniment is a wonderful addition to this very heartfelt gesture and im sure her family will appreciate the thougts you have expressed so well,very nice sentiments.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: "Angel"

hi Roger,

nice one mate. when i played it i assumed it was in waltz time, then reading further down i saw you'd recorded it so i played that, and it was in 4/4, and slower! so there you go which is why it's always good to record the song as well as putting the words up

lovelly song beautifully recorded well done to Arcardy for his part too


ps condolences to Hayley Burk's family

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "Angel"

Nice to hear the song in it's entirety with the intended lyrics.
now I know of the songs dedication for a child so tragically lost I'm even more glad to have been part of it....

Good job with the vocals the chorus effect (for want of a better word) adds more depth nice.


Re: "Angel"

Hi Russ, thank you, Arkady's skill has certainly added to this song, I am pleased that I thought to ask him to help.

Phill, I wholehearted agree about recording songs to know how they are intended to be played, although I too usually play them how I guess they should be before listening to the recording and finding how wrong I am.

Ark, sorry I did completely change the lyrics on you but your instrumental was just right so thank you again.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Angel"

Splendid work to both Roger and Ark.An extremely moving piece written for an extremely difficult time.Kudos to you both and again a my sympathies to Hayleys family for their loss.

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)