Topic: outskirts of town, josh white

Does anyone know lyrics to "Outskirts of Town" by Josh White (aka Leadbelly). I ran across it years ago. I know it is 12-bar blues but I don't remember all the lyrics. I Know it has a line "Me, I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town. Don't what nobody who's always hanging round."
Your help will be very much appreciated.


Re: outskirts of town, josh white

Hi Charles,

Sorry I cannot help with this one.

This is just a reminder that copyright lyrics cannot be posted on Chordie (see the 'Sticky'at the start of this section).

However what is send by private e-mail cannot compromise Chordie.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: outskirts of town, josh white

Thanks Roger,

Sorry for the infraction.


Re: outskirts of town, josh white

Hi Charles,

No infraction on your part, a couple of lines for help are permitted, and I am sorry if you saw my message as censure in any way. I was just concerned that someone wanting to help might post the full lyrics here. My reminder was to try and prevent that from happening.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"