1 (edited by flester 2008-08-18 10:24:39)

Topic: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

One of the greats of folk music, of Irish music, in fact of music full stop, Ronnie Drew was for many THE voice of Irish music - and what a voice! He's finally sung his last on this earth and was surely the inspiration for many lash out a few ballads. Now who'll stand up and sing McAlpine's Fusiliers in his honour?


2 (edited by Old Doll 2008-08-18 12:26:54)

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Ahhhhhhhhh Flester,
We have lost another great entertainer.  I got a call on Saturday  in the North to say he'd passed RiP.  Just today i sang "The ould Triangle" along with Ronnie on the radio.
The first time i encountered Ronnie Drew was the late sixties early seventies.

I was introduced to him in The Royal Hotel in Howth. They {The Dubliners } were doing a show their. The first of hundreds i went to over the years.
Ronnie with his razor sharp wit, and ould gravelly voice. He had the most bluest enquiring twinkling eyes and a great laugh.  His eyes were always at play , they seemed to stand out more because of his big ole beard. I remember me Ma blessing herself all through that show, as Ronnie had the habit of throwing in a odd eff or bejasus out of him..
There music along with others carried us through the troubles to keep optimism strong in our hearts for peace in this then so troubled land.
Luke Kelly never failed to move me to tears, so emotive was his singing.  He was another great loss to us..
My heart goes out to Barney, John, and Patsy. They have lost another great dear lifelong friend.   Patsy is another great Entertainer. He was also a  neighbours child. My sister just recently spoke to  Patsy and Barney in Holland. at a show.
Those  times for me were magical , we were so full of hope for the future, and so circle of life goes on .

May God enfold them all in the musical mantle of his love.

Old Doll.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T7OaDDR7i8   { The wonderful Ronnie Drew}

Patrick Kavenagh poem sung by Luke. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EuafmLvoJow

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Saw them once in the Olympia - Ronnie at that time was singing just a few songs with them but it was a great show. They made the Stones look and sound like a schoolboy band.

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Helena that was a very moving tribute and I can see why you attended so many shows thanks for this mornnings good thought and I am part irish on my fathers side and maybe thats where I get my appreciation for this lovely music and outlook on just how fleeting life is.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

ah well all good things come to an end I suppose, A great man with a tremendious voice that cannot not be replaced.

i will do a few songs in his memory tonight.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Ronnie Drew was a genuine, 24 carat character - a sort of Dublin-in-your-face. His music reminds me of my father, who loved the Dubliners, despite digging with the other foot, as we say. I still have his  original LP in with my own, neglected, vinyl. I must hoik it out for a spin.

Didn't somone once describe Ronnie's voice being like a guinness being forced under a door sideways?

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

This is the first I've heard of Ronnie Drew.He definitely was the genuine article.My idea of what an Irish Balladeer should look,sound and play like. smile
Thanks for the great links flester and Lena

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

I only heard of The Dubliners on a flook download and I thought they were a young retro Irish folk group. I am sad for the loss but find it cool that I happened to find 1 song so recently. I too have Irish on my mom's side. "To Be Sure!!"


"I want my 2 Dollars!!!!!"

9 (edited by flester 2008-08-19 10:15:34)

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Interesting, I thought Ronnie and the Dubliners might have been more widely known. Many German and Dutch people I know would be familiar with them but perhaps they were less well known across the Atlantic (where the Clancy Brothers for example might have been better known?)

Anyone got any links/info on his Flamenco guitar playing? Apparently this was one of his less well-known talents though he always seemed to play classical/flamenco guitars.

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Mind you, we shouldn't get too maudlin about this. The Dubliners were all ones for the craic.

This was put up on the Saffron Board yesterday. Ronnie appears in the background at the end.


"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Lordy lord,

Ciarán Bourke having a drink ! lol Some one regularly puts a bottle of Guinness on his grave.

His burial plot is near my own Mams.
Ronnie had a very moving and memorable service today.

The Parting Glass /sung by Elenor Shanly.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jtc5oOxLjvY  This is a great ole song for most repertoires

Arthur O’Shaughnessy’s  poem "We are the Music Makers"

Just a closer walk with thee.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWxVrX7WH08

Just a few from the service for those interested.

Bursts of applause and lots of toe tapping stuff. His love of music was not only ballads. He also loved Jazz, He was a very accomplished classical and Flamenco  player too.

He sure will be missed. "Dia Linn Agrá".

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Ronnie Drew - farewell to an Irish legend

Ah the Parting Glass ! It was played at my father in law's funeral - always draws a sigh.

There was a wonderful acapella version by the Voice Squad.  There's a little touch of it here -


"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello