Topic: Back from my trip.

Gracious, what a weekend.  Left Thursday on my own because everyone who was planning to ride with me backed out.  Met up with a couple buddies on the highway so we caravanned from there.  We got to the campground and set up camp then proceeded to shake hands with friends we hadn't met yet.  We weren't there an hour and a half before a jamm session broke out and I was playing someone else's acoustic bass guitar and my own harmonicas.  A few frosty cold beverages later and we had a good fire going and some of the best harmonized singing you've heard without paying for a ticket.  Then we gave a good and deserving man a large gift, paid for from pooled funds of a conspiracy to reward.  Our friend was moved by the outpouring of good will and gifts.  He received an inflatable fishing craft, a custom rod, a bunch of accessories, a home-made card, and a gift certificate to a fishing outfitter.  The smile did not leave his face by Sunday when I took my leave. 

I fished Friday, Saturday, and had to break camp Sunday.  Both Thursday night and Friday night, I sat in a corner and played along a little bit with the heavy-duty pickers and players.  While I didn't play a lot, I learned a tremendous amount sitting in the circle and watching their hands seeing how they did what they did.  Saturday night a few of the heavy duty pickers had gone home.  I played "warmup" at the campfire for a few songs and then a buddy of mine I've been jamming with for years came by.  I usually played bass when jamming with him, but we had an even better time with dual guitars.  Then he took over and started playing well past my ability to keep up, though I still played a bit when he took a break.  Again, I learned a tremendous amount.  It appears that I've gotten into some bad habits with timing by playing alone so much.  Time to pull out the metronome during practice sessions. 

Sunday after packing up camp I fished a little more.  Fishing was off, but I did manage to catch a medium sized flathead catfish (just shy of two feet long) on a lightweight bass rod - that was a fun catch.  The catfish was released none the worse for wear, still strong as a bull.  Had I had a cooler on the boat, he'd have been dinner.  As it was, I was after bass which I do on a catch & release basis and so had no means for keeping a fish.

I learned as much with my fly casting technique as I did with my picking and right hand work.  I significantly overplay.  I need to pare it down and get it to its essence.  More precision and better timing.  That'll be what I work on for a while.  Same with my casting.  I was making it harder than it needed to be.  Got a few kinks worked out.

I headed home on Friday and about half-way there stopped for gas for the tank.  I noticed oil sprayed all over my trailer and canoe, so I checked the dipstick.  I was 2.5 quarts low.  So I put in some oil and then spent the rest of the trip nervous as heck, stopping frequently to check oil.  I had to put in a little more later, but I did make it home safe.  Mostly safe.  As I was approaching my neighborhood, I had someone rear end my canoe and knock it up the trailer to bang into my car.  Neither the car nor the trailer were injured, but the canoe I'm afraid has had its last float.  Hit-and-run.  The canoe was on its last legs anyway.  I have already been saving for a new one.  The mechanic's estimation for the repair of the car was a little more than three times what the car was worth, so now I have a nice new (to me) truck in the driveway.  I didn't really want to buy a new vehicle now, but it only cost a little more than it would have to repair the other one and I've got something much more reliable and fun to drive.  It's a 4x4, so I'm eager to get to the beach for some surf fishing. 

Sheesh.  Expensive weekend what with my canoe and my car needing replacement, but I had a good time, caught a few fish, learned a lot about guitar, and improved my cast. 

Oh!  And there WAS blackberry jam.  The owner of the campground hosted us to a country breakfast where she served her momma's homemade blackberry jam - and it was INCREDIBLE.   Also cheesy grits.  If you ever wonder how to say "palenta" in hillbilly, it's 'cheesy grits.'  Real good.  My belly is still smiling. 

And, as expected, I was bulletproof until mid-day Saturday, knowing I had to drive home on Sunday. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Back from my trip.

Congrats on making it back in one piece Zurf!  It sounds like you had a great time!  Like you whenever I fished for Large Mouth Bass I did the catch-and-release.  Now with Trout they wouldn't be so lucky smile  I miss having that, and you know as well as I do, that trout in PA is great!  We used to go fishing for trout every year during the opening of the season (April if I remember correctly) and it would ALWAYS be cold and rainy that opening day!  But still great fishing irregardless.

I bet the blackberry jame was great.  I remember my grandmother used to constantly pick blueberries, gooseberries, rhubarb, etc in the state game lands behind her house in PA and blueberry jam was my absolute FAVORITE!  But I do miss the blueberry pies as well sad

"Rhythm drives the Rock-n-Roll train"

Gibson Les Paul/PRS Custom/Ovation Celebrity Koa
Line6 SpiderIII 75

Re: Back from my trip.

I am coming with you next time.

I enjoyed my 5 days on the ilse of Skye last week, I took my guitar, wife took her violin and we had a wee jam every night, but had to finish at 10:30pm as the campsite seemed to go to sleep then.
Never went fishing as the coast at the west of skye is too shallow to fish from and when i went to the other side on one of my daily tours of the island I forgotten to take my rod lol

So a great time but more sightseeing and relaxing than good fishing, drinking and jamming. The 3 things I have top of my list when camping.

But the kids and wife loved it!


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Back from my trip.


Yep, those Pennsyltucky trout are good for the plate.  Leave the natural ones in the water, though.  Only take the hatchery fish.  You know the difference before even inspecting for an adipose fin, just from the fight.  True-bred river fish fight a whole lot harder than a hatchery fish.


We rented the whole of the campground.  While there is usually a quiet time rule, that rule goes out the window when this crowd descends.  All home-made music though.  Radios and car stereos turned up loud enough to be heard outside one's own campsite are frowned upon, but the home-made music goes long into the night and sometimes right on until the morning. 

While I thought my playing and singing wasn't much good, these fellows named me a full-fledged member of the "Creek Bank Hogsquallers."  I don't rightly know how to squall a hog, but whatever it was we were doing we were surely doing it on a creek bank. 

Some pictures are available on

The first picture are the Creek Bank Hogsquallers: Philly Ray, Dirty Ed, Bo, and Billie on guitars and Tim on bass.  The big fellow Geoff sang along with me on Saturday night and he came out with a fantastic high tenor that blew us all away.  Al, the guy who gets the boat, sings fantastic bass in a Country Gospel style.  Garuchi/Gary, who appears in a few of the pictures, is a super hot picker.  He's been playing on stage with rock bands going on 25 years now.  He was having a hard time playing acoustic from what he says, but you'd never know it from the songs he was playing and the skill with which he played them.

Lena, note two additions, a grill and a 10x10 kitchen shelter.  If you thought my campsite was luxurious before, you ain't seen nothing yet!

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

5 (edited by Old Doll 2008-08-14 20:27:57)

Re: Back from my trip.

Hi Zurf,

I very much enjoyed reading all and seeing the photos. What a pretty place that is! Sounds like  you all had a blast.

5 Star camping Eh!  By the looks of it Zurf.  God be with the days when me Da and i cooked 53 freshly caught mackeral .
It was in Youghal many moons ago,  and we cooked them on 2 wee primus stoves,
The Sun shone on this Island then, i wonder why it left ?

Thanks for sharing Zurf.   Did you know good fly casting is all in the wrist movement ? Wells thats the way i was taught
many moons ago also.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Back from my trip.

Hey zurf,glad too see you had a good time, sorry too hear about your car and boat,I am going too go do some fishing later in the month. Hey did you learn how too play dueling bangos yet,?Its pretty easy,you can do the bango picking around the bottom of your strings.           dino

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

7 (edited by Zurf 2008-08-15 12:01:13)

Re: Back from my trip.

Haven't worked on dueling banjos.  My sister plays banjo, so maybe we can get something going there.  My flatpicking isn't that effective as yet.  That's a ways out for me, I'm afraid.  I'm still working on doing some relatively smooth fingerpicking and keeping a good rhythm with strumming.  I've been at this a while, but it seems that I've got a completely incompetent teacher.  I ought to have known better than to hire myself, but I had such a good sales pitch.  And now I can't seem to fire me, 'cause I've grown attached.

Lena, I'll bet the sun shines on your isle every time you smile.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude