1 (edited by marcalan 2008-08-02 03:12:33)

Topic: Here you are Silver

I have been encourage to do this posting..Although, maybe not in this way...It is a  study that I did with the variation of one chord...and that would be ..D..To do things, simply, with one chord; opens an avenue of things to experience..and regardless of what some would think about Californians, the air is not filled with pot smoke but the indifference of cigarette smokers...and God's finger on the lightning button..however, I think this is invaluable.
To stop, and listen,..... silence speaks... to what one chord can provide, well, that is guitar..How many of us go into a dark room and hug this instrument and do just that? c'mon don't be afraid c'mon out of the closet...OK,.. I outed myself as a lover of the guitar...What's you're story?My dream is to come back to simple recordings of our voices and the instruments we play..rough maybe, who cares,? but the embelishments are cheap..Any body ever listen to Roscoe Holcomb? Bob Dylan said of him was," untamed sense of control."...my Grandma fed me raw vegetables and that's where i think talent lies or tells the truth ...so rightous talent; shine on, that's what I say..where are ya jasonhaugue???
Have a listen and be still, breathe, take it in...God love ya

Finger Tips to Your Heart

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Here you are Silver

I'm with you, marcalan - lovely bit of music there.  There is pure sensual pleasure in holding and playing an instrument.  I must also confess to sometimes just sitting in the quiet and letting the sounds soothe me and resonate in my body.

With autoharp, the instrument is right up against your chest and the sensation is marvelous as the sounds ripple.  I also play bassoon - any woodwind player can also attest to the delightful alchemy as your breath is transmuted into sound waves.

Music need not be complex to stir - but our world is so full of cacophony now that it is a rare opportunity to fill silence.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Here you are Silver

Hi Marcalan,

Strangely I have been thinking on similar lines recently, do we need to have all the instruments and backing vocals, can it be kept simple and pure? It was listening to, and then recording,  Phill William's "The Broken Doll" with just a piano backing the vocals that set the ball rolling. I found that to add any extra instruments or vocals detracted rather than added to the song. My conclusion though, is that it rests on the emotional tone and the message conveyed in the song/music as to the amount of simplicity or complexity needed.

That being said I did enjoy your piece, it was very relaxing and soothing and an inspirational idea to work on the variation of just one chord.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Here you are Silver

Hey marcalan
Thanks for this simple piece..
I've been moving away from simplicity in my own recordings of late and Rogers statement is so right..

5 (edited by marcalan 2008-08-02 18:21:08)

Re: Here you are Silver

James, Roger, Ark..many thanks for your comradery..Others share this concept as well..I plan to Keep it simple stupid..LOL  Good weekend to you all..marcalan

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Here you are Silver

Simply is good. I like the idea. When I record my songs, I'm just gonna sit down, my guitar and
I. just do a rough live recording. Hopefully that will happen soon!

A musician is someone with too much time on their hands! Thank god I'm a musician!!!

Re: Here you are Silver

Lovely guitar work Marcalan.

Beautiful in its simplicity.  "From my finger tips to your heart" Is exactely how we should feel music.

Looking forward to hearing some more Gems from you.

From the Emerald.

Oiche Máith.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Here you are Silver

Heres 2 more examples to  praise the beauty of simplicity.

http://www.myspace.com/phillwilliamswelshman   Broken Doll.

http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjdV4Z7DGms       John Lennon " Oh my love "

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Here you are Silver

I think it's very easy to over complicate things as you get better on your instrument. Luckily I don't have that problem cause I don't get any better on my instrument. HA! JK!
Good job. Simple is great!!

"I want my 2 Dollars!!!!!"

Re: Here you are Silver

thanks papa...dont think weve met but appreciate you opinion..go for it.Im sure you're fine  we never arrive ya know.....marcalan

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Here you are Silver

hi marcalan, friend,

i've had a couple of listens to "fingertips to your heart" now and it gets nicer every time i hear it, one question though; you mention it's all on a..D.. chord, when i played along i found it was in F? are our guitars tuned differently this side of the pond or did you use a capo? are you sure there aint no contraband in your bit of california? lotsalotsa laffs big_smile


ps it's a privilege to be your friend on my space

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Here you are Silver

Phill  I forgot to mention that part yes I used a capo...ooops Oh and by the way I dont know if you read but ol Morgan was in a serious car accident and had to have surgery on his arm so hell be staying low for awhile timing might be right for quiet gig? who knows..?

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.

Re: Here you are Silver

Sorry about the lack of introduction. I am rather new to the forum circuit.
Is it considered rude to just pipe in without intro?

"I want my 2 Dollars!!!!!"

14 (edited by marcalan 2008-08-09 13:01:57)

Re: Here you are Silver

your fine brother stretch

I thought ; If I had one idea,
and took it from beginning to end.
I would try another.