Topic: Do You Believe

I was at my brothers house on Sunday night.He was having a small party.It was a cool clear night so my bro got his telescope out.It has a 5" mirror on it,good enough to see the rings of Saturn.We were looking at Jupiter and could see 4 of her moons(Very Cool)Anyways as I was viewing Jupiter I saw 2 distinct flashes of light streak(a split second) across my field of vision.I verbally let everyone know what I saw and pointed out where and what direction it was going to.(It is reverse in a telescope)That is when we all saw it at about the same time.2 very dimly lit lights traveling at a very high speed but changing speeds. If you held your arm out to full length the lights were separated by the width of your thumb.Traveling West to East the lights got close to each other then would separate.They then made an arcing 90 degree turn and were traveling South to North.One of the lights actually speed up and went under the other light.They then started an arcing turn back to a West to East direction which took them behind a group of trees and we lost sight of them.Witnessed by 10 of us,we all saw the same thing,we were sober and we don't do drugs.Everyone was pretty freaked about it as it felt very intense.The lights appeared as bright as two dimly lite stars.Jupiter at this time was maybe 20 degrees off the horizon about half across the southern sky.The lights traveled the from the time we saw them in the south to when they went out of sight in the North Eastern sky in 10-15 seconds.We all agree it was not a bird or a plane or a satellite.Every one was pumped so we kept our eyes on the sky.Inside of 5 minutes we saw an extremely bright single white light come into view from the North west traveling at a high but constant rate of speed to the South East.It traveled pretty much the entire sky in about 1 1/2 minutes.It was way to bright to be a satellite.I personally believe the second light was the Space Station.
That was my third experience with UFO's.
Me myself......I'm a believer.We can't be alone as it's just too big out there.
Also,if it was what I believe it was than how many people out there can say that they have seen a UFO in a telescope.I'm guessing only one.
COOL smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Do You Believe

Hi Kapa,

Yes we 2 could see it.  The good wather we had was a bonus.

Fri 08 Aug 2007
Space station to fly over Ireland
The spectacular sights of both the €100 billion International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle Endeavour will be visible in the sky over Ireland next week.The ISS will fly over Ireland every night in the next two weeks, from August 3 rdto August 19 thand everyone in Ireland is expected to be able to see it.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Do You Believe

Heres is a link for any one out there interested.It is to the Nasa page that will tell you when or if the ISS will be flying over your house.What time and duration and what direction to look to see it.
The time frame is right for what the second object was Sunday night...Just not too sure about the first object. hmm


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Do You Believe

WOW thats so cool wether it was ufos or not! What a site to see! isn't it amazing?..some of the small yet so fasinating things that life tosses our way?

P.S. hey KAP54---nice saying! its one of my relatives!

{{***~MuZiK LuVeR~***}}

Re: Do You Believe

Sometimes when I mash down real hard on my eyes for like, 2 minutes, I see big headed aliens wearing aluminum foil bikinis, baking cookies on the roof of an old hay silo.

Give everything but up.

Re: Do You Believe

To Much Wacky Backy!  Southpaw lol

Me thinks ?

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

7 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-08-06 22:28:21)

Re: Do You Believe

I saw one land in a farm field when I was 25 years old thats 41 yrs ago and the event is still clear in my mind,I was up north of greenbay wisconsin hunting with two members of the band i was in and we were on our way home it was early morning around 12:45 am I was in the passengers seat when a very large and bright object just flew across the highway in front of us I would estamate its size as big as a football field and moving so slow you could make out details below the craft there were a series of rotating lights all the colors of the rainbow rotating around the object and it made absolutly no sound as it slid across the highway and landed in a farm field and then the cars engine died and we coasted to a stop the object was about a 1/4 of a mile to the left of us just sitting there we were more excited then scared so being the trail blazer I said "lets check this out" and went back to the trunk of the car and got my shotgun and loaded it full as we walked across the highway we were kinda laughing (no we were not stoned or drinking cold sober) I climbed the farm fence and walked to it my friend and I were only less then a 1/8 of a mile away and we were making jokes about them having green hair and thats the last thing I remember I dont know how but we were back at the car and the engine was running the third member of the band never awoke till we came back and no one said a word till we got back we found out from the news that several highway patrol men had seen the same thing as we did and reported it so I definitly believe in extra terrestial life.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Do You Believe

Dadgum, Russ. That's a heck of a story. Sure hope they didn't do a rectal probe or some other such experiment on you or your friends.


Re: Do You Believe

nela my last name is HARDING not CASE like the dude in Independence day lets see I remember the dialog ( man in mechanics shirt) "russell when you were taken aboard did the aliens do any sexual things to you" (man at table spits on floor from laughing) all laugh till building shakes from city size space craft background music "rumble" link ray and the ray men yea nela I saw the movie ya got any I aint heard yet ?

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Do You Believe

Old Doll wrote:

To Much Wacky Backy!  Southpaw lol

Me thinks ?

Old Doll.

Nope, no 'backy for almost 2 years. I think my brain's becoming fizzle-fried from watching my almost 3 year old son during the day and dealing with drunken discontents during the night( my gigs). I'm almost ready to pack things up and take the family to a log cabin far off in the mountains away from society for about 30 or 40 years. But on the other hand, things could be much worse than they actually seem so I think we'll stay in the big city for a few more years..........

Hope all's well with you and yours Old Doll.

Ciao Bella,

Give everything but up.

Re: Do You Believe

Fascinating Russell.
My ex-wife and her Grandmother had a similar sighting only they were not as close and left the area as fast as their car could take them.They were both upset for a long time.
One of my sightings took place in mid-late 60's.We had a massive power failure in the city and so me,my brother and some friends walked the rail tracks to downtown London to see what it looked like blacked out.We were looking at the sky admiring all the stars when a group of dimly lit lights in a tri-angle formation track across entire sky North to South in 10-15 seconds.We all freaked about it. Inside of minutes the same style formation tracked across the sky East to West.That was the first thing my brother talked about Sunday night.
My second sighting came along as I was a teenager. I was with a group of friends traveling to a party in London.It was an extremely foggy night.One of the guys noticed a very large Powder Blue light just kind of hanging in the fog.It didn't move at all.We watched it for maybe 15 minutes and then it started to move slowly.It did a small zig zag track and than disappeared.That floored us.We must have looked  real stupid jumping up and down in the street. But we had good reason.
Thanks for your Story  smile

Forgot to post the link to watch the Space Station Fly over head.
Left side of page,pick your country and follow instructions. It would be cool to watch it going overhead with the shuttle right behind it giving chase.  smile
Human Space Flight (HSF) - Realtime Data

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Do You Believe

Kap I remember one time this subject came up before on chordie and I gave the same account and guitarpix gave me this link kinda as a toung in cheek thing but it turnned out I wound up favoring it on my utube channel so if you get a chance check it out.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Do You Believe

Thanks for the link Russell.
As Mr Faulker penned..."I just wanna say hi"
UFO's are like a bad back.....You pretty much got to experience it to believe it.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)