I was inspired to write this song after reading Zurfs post its about a three strike loser convicted and sentenced to life plus 99 yrs (thanks zurf for the quote) you can listen to it on my web site the words may have been banned on chordie so I uploaded to myspace first tee hee lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Hey Russell - Nice to see the ripple effect that I also use for many of my songs. Send me the lyrics and chords so I can give it a try. I'm a sucker for story songs and this is a doozy!  Jeff/jets

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C


jets thanks and i will send you the words. the chords are really a classical finger pick style but i will see if i can arrange them so they can be strummed send me your email address and i will upload the mp3 to and they will notifie you to download the file i can send the lyrics to your email you send me but first i will have to type them out in my word processer so you can read them, my handwriting leaves something to be desired smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"


hi russ, you mean your not gay???  lol

i laughed out loud [honestly] when i heard the chorus, while i was at your website i stole a quick listen to your other tracks [cant remember names, it's an age thing] but the one you put on your stage was there too and still sounding top drawer, how did you do on that?

soap on a rope; as i was getting to the end of it [no pun intended] i was thinking; why cant he post this on chordie, then came the last verse!!!

are american prisons really that bad? we see all the movies over here, but i thought they might have been exaggerated slightly...

you'd think that tough guys would avoid the stigma of being a turd burglar as it might tarnish their street cred?

any way, keep your soap tightly on your rope [though you do seem to have a very high voice!] i'm only messing with you

keep rockin` boyo


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

5 (edited by Russell_Harding 2008-07-29 15:22:49)


Phil lol NO im not gay just a little randy old man lol and I didn't post it on chordie first for the reasons you mention (even tho Jesus rode into jeruselem on one) yes the prisons are that bad and worse, turd burglar? lol you english have a way with english! there are a number of expressions for these buggers (pun intended) as far as the track im not sure which one there are at least 4 tracks on myspace that I also have on ourstage "Breezzin" the one with the picture of a bird "centurian suite" with the centuar and the lady and "strattus 1" with the clouds also the music for the video "strattus 1 and beyond" I didnt make the quarter finals on any of my songs yet but i will keep kickin at the door. my video "one for the road finished at 15th so theres still hope,Im not sure how this song will be recieved it was intended as humor a candid look at the dark side of prison life where flesh is bartered and fought over (yes this form of slavery is a sad existence for the weak and timid minded inmates who must sacrifice there bodies to be someones punk (lover) in order to survive inside the walls and all with the full knowledge of the prison guards who themselves are scared its a real jungle in some american prisons and all the more reason to keep out of trouble ere to wind up there so phil glad you had a good laugh I hope more people will when this song plays next month in the comedy channel on ourstage and hopefully vote for it smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"


hi russel,

all 4 tracks were super [you understand that word...yes?]

LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT...I AM NOT ENGLISH, I AM WELSH, thats like calling a canadian a yank, i'd guess, or a texan a new yorker?

lets be fair though, the english did make up the language, so they can corrupt it just as much as you colonials do [i include the ozzies here too, and all the other pacific recreators of the queens english, [here we go, on about gays again...]

just so you know, i'm not gay either or homophobic, just another randy old man form over the pond.

breezin, centurian suite and all the others are all great music.

keep rocking


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.


So Russ what's all this Arsing around eh. That's Arsing not Assing as we English speak all proper like. lol
Are they alowed soap in prisons sounds like it could used as an offensive weapon.


Fun ballad, Russull!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"


So many questions...lets see hmm phil yes I do understand "super" thankyou for the nice thought as to your not being english sorry about that we yanks dont distinguish or have any preferences to welsh, brits, aussies,the irish scotts or canadiens you are all are friends even it you speak funny lol
Ark yes soap is used i dont know if its liquid or bar form but as I understand there are a lot of uses for soap in prison and being the gentilman I am I wont tell you where its inserted or what its rubbed on to but you can be assured its all clean fun(pun intended) lol
Roger thanks but to be honest it would not have made it past the chordie censors not so much for the words "rear" or "ass"(a burro of mid east countries and mexico and south america) but for the fact the song is not about our little furry friends with big ears and a braa braa so that is why I did not want to risk anathema from the mods and be banned to doing crossword puzzels on road runner or utube pergatory and I offended none and the important thing to me is that all the feedback was positive so i succeded in my objective, to make people laugh smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"


Just listened to Soap on a Rope.

God bless me i must have lived a very sheltered life ! I remember as a child
buying me Dad soap on a rope as a gift. Thank God for my innocence, then and now i guess.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !


helena you will always be innocent and yes they still give soap on a rope as a gift in prison but theres strings attached lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"