Re: Drinking and driving

hey kap,I think you are going too set a new record for one of the longest threads on chordie. Its gone into seat belts and cell phones now and other things,the subject seems too be driving safety,which is a good thing. Well how about drivers that are very old,some of them are very bad drivers,and I have almost been hit afew times by them. {no offence intended too the ones that can drive ok] I am sixty years old and still have a license too drive eighteen wheelers

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Drinking and driving

Hi kapa54,

I do feel sorry for you in this plight.  2 drinks are allowed here in Ireland  also, why?  I feel strongly, If your drinking dont drive.

There should be a total ban on alcohol behind the wheel of any vehicle. I personally can drink bacardi and feel no sence of drunkeness at all. Yet a couple of glasses of white wine leaves me legless.

I was called to ICU last week to our local hospital. I had no drink taken, came up to a red light, at a very big intersection, stopped the car.   I then seen  a green light to go, as i thought, pulled away to proceed realizing only then i went on a green filter light for traffic going right. I was heading straight  through this intersection . The drivers around me must have thought i had a death wish.
I was so distracted with my thoughts as to the news i may hear from I C U,  I wasnt concentrating. I should not have been behind the wheel of a car.  So there are lots of reasons other then drink for accidents.
Mobile phones ? in gods name what call is so important it must be answered while driving? I can totally ignore my phone both landline and cell. If its that important they will ring back.
drinking coffee ? applying make up ? eating ?  I even seen a guy reading  a newspaper in slow traffic once ? all in a moving vehicle ? these fools  should have there licence removed for stupidity alone.

For many years just untill this year, a person here could go to the test centre, do there test, FAIL, and go right back behind the wheel to drive on home ? in the name of god , if they failed why was this allowed. They now have to have a fully qualified driver with them. BUT,  so many now take there L sign down as not to be caught . I believe this makes them even more dangerous on the road, with or with out  a drink.

We lost my sons girl 2 years ago. All of 20 years. A beautiful girl with so much to offer.    My nephew also had his hand degloved.
he was run off the road by a drunken fool, His car went down an embankment flipped over into the river. The drunken driver never stopped. It was a fisherman seen what happened and went to his aid. Thank God. In the rural area where he lives, he could have been there for quite some time without aid.
My neighbours girl reversed and drove over her fiancee killing him in the process again after being drinking.

Every driver should be given a compusory vist to rehab centers, to see the carnage and what remains of the human form from drink /or dangerous driving.

Many years ago my first driving instructor said this to me! This car and driving can give you great independance and the joy of travel. but, it can also kill you and others. I never did forget this piece of advice.

There have been six road deaths already this bank holiday w/e here,  and were only half way through it!

As to the fools who use there heads as a brake and not there seat belts, they also need locking up!

Kapa this post is not meant to berate you. but there are a lot of young people here on chordie. To all of you i say" Please please dont drink and drive".
Your safe arrival and existance is more important.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Drinking and driving

NELA wrote:

drinking a coke and eating 'tater chips while driving is against the law. Hmmmm, where will it end?

And somebody please tell be what the difference is in holding a cell phone up to your ear while talking and holding a CB radio mike up to your mouth and talking> I don't understand 'dis one.

While you are eating you are not in full control of the vehicle.

CB radio is the equivalent of the old police radios so if you banned CBs, the police would have to arrest themselves!  Don't quote me on that but I heard it somewhere and it makes a bit of sense!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Drinking and driving

I personally think the law should place a fine on anyone using a cellphone while driving.  A stiff one, because it is just getting out of hand.  Every other driver is on the phone, it seems.  Using a cellphone and driving is a bad thing.  It is common sense.  Some people just worry about their rights regardless of safety.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

30 (edited by NELA 2008-08-03 14:59:05)

Re: Drinking and driving

Old Doll, I hear you when you say "whats so important about telephone calls" that they can't just wait. To me, I believe it is about the almighty $$$$$$$. I am a vice president for a construction company and must spend quite a bit of time driving. Any time you are driving it's just dead time. Without a way to either contact other people or have other people contact you a lotta business is missed. If I miss a call it is possible I could loose a project worth a whole lotta money. Is that worth hurting or killing someone in an auto accident - NO! But people are gonna use the phones regardless. I am presently working in California where they just recently banned all hand held cell phone use. Is it working? That depends on how well you can hide your phone while driving. As I drive around town I still see people with a cell phone in their ear. I see people driving while trying to adjust the earpiece to their phone. I have been using my phone as a handless unit but I do admit the ear piece is very annoying. I remember a long time ago when all the talk was about how the cell phone, laptop computer and pager were going to make our work easier. Well, it has not made work any easier for me. All it has done is force me to work longer hours just to keep up with what's going on each and every day.

This thread started as a different topic and (I guess it's my fault) gradually sliped to seat belts and cell phones. Am I against safety - NO, not by any means. My rant is "Where will it end"!
I got my 1st cell phone when there were very few of them available. You had to constantly update your roaming area every few miles just to be able to use the thing. I have not had an accident nor have I came close to having an accident while driving and talking on a phone(knock on wood). How many of us smoke? (I used too) Many times while smoking I would reach up with 2 fingers to take the cigarette outta my mouth only to have it stick to my lips and my fingers would knock the fire off the end onto my lap. (Poor Little Willie) At those time I have done some serious "trick driving". There are many more distractions out there that I believe are more serious than cell phone use while driving. Just the other nite, while stopped at a red light behind some IDIOT"S I got to watch part of a porno movie thru the back window of their Escalade. That's what I call dangerious! It was all I could do to stay behind them so I could see the rest of the movie.


Re: Drinking and driving

How was the ending NELA?   tongue

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75

Re: Drinking and driving

Hey Kap they should let you off for the PR job you have done,see we all know ...we are just human
we all make mistakes..and some cost very dear...

Re: Drinking and driving

Tim, everyone was laying on their backs, breathing hard, grinning and smoking cigarettes.


Re: Drinking and driving

This "I hear what your sayin'" response is just a polite way of saying you're full of s*** and I do not agree with you whatsoever. Civil right this, civil rights that, bla, bla, bla.... Accident reports all over the world are proving, without a shadow of doubt, that cell phone use in motor vehicles have now become the leading cause of traffic accidents. There is room to change and amend (upgrade) laws in a democratic society. Driving and using cell phones impairs ones' ability to safely operate a motor vehicle just as much as, or more, than chugin' down 2 or 3 beers. I, being of sound and rational mind, honestly feel that cell phone use in a vehicle, when resulting in serious injury or death to an innocent victim, in or out out of perpetrators' vehicle, should manifest the same punishment that occurs from drinking and driving. Why not? Same neglegence+same end result should = same consequence(i.e. punishment).
          There are however alternative solutions here to each dilemma that would end this nonsense altogether; take a freakin' cab and/or use a hands free cell phone device. And watch yer dirty movies at home, in private!(ahem)

    Common Sense Rules (or so we hope)!

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Drinking and driving

You go southpaw.  And everyone who uses cellphones while driving will tell you that they can concentrate while driving and talking, just as those who drink and drive think they are good drivers when driving.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Drinking and driving

NELA wrote:

Tim, everyone was laying on their backs, breathing hard, grinning and smoking cigarettes.


Lol NELA ... I bet you could have used a cigarette after that!

Electric:  Gibson Les Paul Studio, Schecter Omen 6, PRS SE Custom
Acoustic:  Fender Talman, Yamaha
Amp:  Fender Super Champ XD/Line6 Spider III 75

Re: Drinking and driving

bonedaddy wrote:
NELA wrote:

drinking a coke and eating 'tater chips while driving is against the law. Hmmmm, where will it end?

And somebody please tell be what the difference is in holding a cell phone up to your ear while talking and holding a CB radio mike up to your mouth and talking> I don't understand 'dis one.

While you are eating you are not in full control of the vehicle.

CB radio is the equivalent of the old police radios so if you banned CBs, the police would have to arrest themselves!  Don't quote me on that but I heard it somewhere and it makes a bit of sense!


With the cell phones, it's not so much the talking but the dialing I think.  Or taking notes!  Or, for goodness sakes, texting!  Can you imagine, typing on a telephone keypad while driving.  How is it possible to see the road and the message and the keyboard at once?

Anyway, as far as talking, some people do get terribly engrossed in phone conversations and distract themselves, but I see your point that the same could happen with a CB.  But you don't have to dial a number on a CB, and you can't send a text message on a CB either.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Drinking and driving

Welcome back Old Doll smile We missed you here in Chordie Land.I am very sorry to here of the accidents that have affected your family.It must have been a very difficult time.I do understand the reasons for me being charged and I do not dispute it.The bottom line is that I should not have been driving.Whether you are talking on a cell phone or texting or doing your make up or have your dog on your front lap or reading the paper,You Must Be in Control Of Your Vehicle.
However,I do dispute the reason for being pulled over which is why I intend to fight this charge.
No sour grapes here,just the way I see it.
Good to see this turning into a healthy conversation as by reading previous posts, there are many young Chordies out there that hopefully will take some of this information with them. Cause they have there whole life in front of them.
There are also some old Chordies out there that will hopefully learn something here to, because they have the rest of their lives in front of them.
Peace smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Drinking and driving

Hey KAP,
I have a few friends who are cops, and they will even tell you that there cops out there that are overly aggressive when looking for people "driving under the influence". But they all say, and I agree, that we shouldn't drink and drive. I wish you luck with your day in court.

As far as seatbelts, cell phones, etc, I think lawmakers are on the right track when they make laws regarding their use. It's the whole "private vs public" argument. A law may be passed that affects you personally, but it is the best thing for the good of the public. I know that lawmakers look at studies and statistics before they pass these laws, and yes, a lot of them (not all) come from insurance companies because they're the ones paying for the claims and it affects them directly. But those insurance claims affect all of us indirectly as well through increased insurance premiums. The point is, these laws are being passed for the public's greater safety and well-being.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Re: Drinking and driving

Thanks Nela,

I take your point. My own Sons and family have handsets and navigational systems. This world of high teck gives me great pleasure also. But im not driving a couple of ton doing so.
How must your brain feel, if and when you get a call for a couple of million dollars. work wise ?.  Please dont tell me you stay cool
and have an easy clarity to concentrate on driving.
My son was driving when he recieved the news Linda his girlfriend had died. in a car crash, he was 3 hours driving away from home. To this day he doesnt remember driving back home. I do! i remember every second. I thought id never see his car come up my driveway.
My own sons pal wrote off his car and nearly his life 2 years ago. He seen his bosses name come up on his cell. answered it,
dropped the phone, Then  without thinking picked it up, He ended up in a ditch.  His boss rang the emergency units as he heard the impact.
i do feel handsets are a wee bit safer but id rather not have phones at all in cars.
As for the porno crew? i promise you i wouldn't be lenient in that situtation. Id have memorized the reg and informed the police.

The car aint a place for this stupity.

A family member and his wife are having the deaf gene removed scientificly to have some children with out profound deafness.
Isnt it a pity we cannot remove " The stupid gene" which a lot of drivers around the world have!

This is a link for a drink dont drive .  Graphic but powerful.

Ps. Thank you Kapa for the welcome back.  Its a long story as to why!  But it appears now with a very sad ending.
Life is precious.
Love from the Emerald. Keep the focus on your writing.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Drinking and driving

Lena, I hope the sad ending your referring to is my bout with the law.I have chosen to look at the situation as fate interjecting.Maybe 1 or 2 years down the road I would have gotten in a bad accident and hurt myself or God forbid someone else.I am not a drinker but maybe this has saved my life.If I loose in court I will have some adjusting big time to do but a small price in comparison to the alternative. smile
P.S. To anyone from England
I was golfing with my brother on the weekend,later we went back to his house as he was having a small party.I met a couple from from Devon that moved to Canada 5 years ago.Real nice people.They are very happy with the move and are glad they came to Canada.They fit in real well with everyone and I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more of them in the future.

KAP54 smile

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Drinking and driving

To everyone. I never said using a cell phone or any other device, while driving, was a good thing. What I said was "Where will it end". No one has shown me the difference between dialing a phone number or selecting a radio station, changing a CD, setting your AC/heater controls, or drinking a cold drink, ect, ect, etc. Are these good thing  - NO! All these things require you to take your eyes off the road and your hands off the steering wheel. Is that safe driving - NO!
Do we do any or all these things (and others) while driving - YES! And don't anyone say that while driving they place 100% of their attention on the road. It just don't happen. Are there responsible drivers out there who can do any of these things while driving - I think so, but still not a good thing. What is the answer - I don't know.

I'm 57 years old - driving since I was 14 years old (raised in the country). Drive 40,000+ miles a year, only 4 traffic tickets since I been driving, never in an accident that I caused. Does this make me a safe driver - APPARENTLY NOT!

Re: Drinking and driving

Hi Nela smile
I don't think anyone thought you said distractions were a good thing."Where will it end" for what can be considered unsafe driving is a good question that I believe only time will tell.Laws are passed for the benefit of the people and unfortunately the benefit of Insurance Companies.The Insurance Companies are taking advantage of the laws for their own gain.
My son was living with me a short time in 2001.I had him on my insurance so he could drive(and to build a relationship) He got into 2 small accidents,one no claim the second a $600 dollar claim. My insurance went from $2100 to $5300 dollars a year and my son was put in the high risk category.I know police officers that say if you get in an accident the last thing you want to do is report it to anyone just for this reason.Insurance Companies are legally gouging us.But the law is the law and where it will end no one knows.
I'd hate to be around 200 years from now lol


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Drinking and driving

I know what you mean accidents and children. My youngest bumped into the rear of a lady (someone we knew) and scratched her bumber. A cop saw the accident but refused to issue a ticket since everyone was friendly and the damage was so slight. We told the lady that we would pay to get the scratch fixed and to just bring us an invoice. She did that, we paid $171.00. Next thing we knew we were being sued for medical damaged. She won - our insurance company paid out $50,000.00 - my son's insurance was canceled. Go figure. I guess thr right law suit is easier to when than the lottery.


Re: Drinking and driving

Hi Nela,

I understand exactely what your saying, in your privious post.  Please dont feel i missunderstand
you or Kapa. Its the obvious stupidity of people thats gets to me.    Some years ago a young guy took a pellet shot at me from a car while driving. I nearly died with fright, but remembered his registration.  It transpired he lived in my area and i knew his Mam and Dad very well.  I can tell you big lad as he was , his Father gave him a good old fashioned thrashing. He arrived with flowers and an apology.

I wonder also does this happen in your area ? you party, get a cab or designated driver to take you home.
Well now the Gardai here { Police } are stopping drivers from early the next morning. So many are stopped and done for
over the limit ? Recently here a Lady was taking her children swimming on a saturday morning. Her and her husband
has consumed 1-1/2 bottles of wine the previous evening in there own home.. She had had a nights sleep, but still showed
over the limit the next morning. She was fined

Yes i agree with you, where will it all end?  Back to the bikes i guess. then we could all end up like this guy.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !